Page initiated Sept. 25, 2020
To encourage participation in the November balloting, we asked Forum participants to complete the thought above.
To read the full text, click on the photo that appears with that entry.
Oct. 23
By Laura McClettie
When I vote I know my voice is being ….
Oct. 22
By Dr. Yolonda Holmes
Spiritually, for me, voting confirrms that there is ….
Oct. 21
By John Powell
Learn about the candidates, their actions and not just their ….
Oct. 20
By Dr. Araminta Johnston
I treasure our democracy, imperfect though it ….
Oct. 19
By Dr. Merlin-Knoblich
…so that she can thrive and help others as they ….
Oct. 18
By Annetta Foard
We must continue to teach our youth the power that is our ….
Oct. 17
By Sara Spencer
She knew the importance of her vote and wasn’t going to let ….
Oct. 16
By Dr. Thomas Moore
I imagine all my forefathers and foremothers who ….
Oct. 15
By Mary F. Johnson
I am representing all of the African Americans and women who were ….
Democrats elected Donald Trump by….
Laurens Griffin, my grandfather, had a constitutional right, but never had the….
What a privilege it is to have a voice in….
Engage the other side in uncomfortable and difficult ….
The president has declined to commit to a peaceful transfer of ….
There is no guarantee that it can’t be taken away or ….
… if I don’t vote, then I give the power to someone else to….
Oct. 7
By Patrick StClair Chang
I am voting because [the president] is a criminal and….
I vote because it is a privilege and my ancestors….
I am voting because their futures….
Vote like your life and happinesss depends on it ….
Vote. Vote. I will. Vote. It is important. Let no one stop you ….
I am voting because I can, I’m not illiterate, and I want ….
I am voting because I am afraid of what will happen if ….
I am voting for our future; for clean air and water; for ….
By Sonya Waters
I am voting because of THEM ….
I can because of ….
By Rosalyn Allison-Jacobs
I voted (Yes! I have already voted) because our very democracy ….
By Colette Forrest
My 94-year-old grandmother with dementia can’t vote – but….
By Dean Brodhag
I want to be able to tell my grandchildren what I did to….
By Juanita Chisholm Miller
I am voting because it is a precious right that was attained through blood, sweat and tears of my forefathers and….