By Juanita Chisholm Miller
I am voting because it is a precious right that was attained through blood, sweat and tears of my forefathers and foremothers. They prayed, cried and marched for this right.
They met with a few of the Presidents of this country. President Kennedy was killed, but President Johnson did a just act regarding the Voting Rights Act.
Thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Congressman John Lewis, and all of those individuals who stood with them, both black and white. Both men are deceased now, but what an outstanding legacy.
These courageous souls were given ridiculous tests, poll taxes, a threatening environment, attacks, and some were killed.
Today in 2020, we can see the fragility of the right from the redrawing of representation lines, negative remarks disseminated by even the White House regarding absentee ballots.
We see an increase in violence, especially regarding Black people.
When I vote, I know I have done my part, to not only pray and talk about situations, but actually doing something about it.
Please Go vote!!
Juanita Chisholm Miller is a retired FBI victim specialist, founding president of the Crime Victims Coalition, and a former governor for the Southeast District of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs.