By Laura McClettie
I am voting because I clearly understand that America belongs to all of us. When I vote I know my voice is being heard.
It’s an opportunity for me to participate in our democracy. I truly believe in the democratic process.
I cast my vote for those that I know will work to improve the lives of many. We must protect our environment, our elders, future generations, as well as pursue economic opportunities.
There are many decisions and laws that are decided by few, but affect over 328 million people in the United States. Therefore every vote counts. My vote counts.
Voting is the best example of showing our strength in People Power simply by casting our one vote.
I am often reminded of the fact that so many sacrifices were made for us to have this right. Therefore I VOTE!!! Thanks to those who sacrificed!!!
Laura McClettie, a facilitator at the Tuesday Forum, is N.C. Partnership Coordinator for the U.S. Census. In 1990 when the West Charlotte Incubator opened on the Johnson C. Smith University campus, McClettie was its executive director.