Feb. 1, 2023 “Black history is a lifetime. It is not a month. Stop letting other people control the narrative.” – Forum participant Gary Marion Jan. 24, 2023 Perhaps there is no middle way between the stout defenders of Black History Month and Gary Marion's ... Continue Reading →
How science now sees adverse experiences impacting children
May 15, 2018 Tuesday's presentation offered a view into how scientists' understanding of childhood behavior has been revolutionized by examining the impact that the violence and abuse that children witness early in their lives poisons them and seems to cause physical and mental illness later – ... Continue Reading →
School-by-school out-of-school suspensions, grades PK-2
Sept. 7, 2016 This CMS document dated June 28, 2016 offers school-by-school data on out-of-school suspensions during the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 for grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two. For privacy reasons, schools reporting one to four suspensions in any given grade are ... Continue Reading →
Impact of out-of-school suspension over time
Sept. 7, 2016 This undated CMS spreadsheet examines the 2015-16 graduation cohort, and specifically the 5,754 members of that class for which CMS had information about out-of-school suspensions during their PK-2 years. For privacy reasons, grades in which there were one to four suspensions are ... Continue Reading →
Summary data on PK-2 out-of-school suspensions
Sept. 7, 2016 This CMS spreadsheet dated Aug. 5, 2016 offers summary data sheets on out-of-school suspensions for grades PK through 2. While some of the headers may have become damaged in transit, all the charts in this series appear to offer data for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. The categories ... Continue Reading →
CMS summary for out-of-school suspensions, all grades
Sept. 7, 2016 This undated CMS document offers a discipline summary for all grades for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years, and includes numbers of students with out-of-school suspensions by demographic category. The document was provided to the Forum by CMS Board of Education member Ericka ... Continue Reading →
‘Adults can find a better way to deal with student behavior’
Sept. 7, 2016 The following was addressed to the Forum by CMS Board of Education At-Large member Ericka Ellis-Stewart: “Last year, I started calling for a moratorium on suspensions for students in PreK - 2nd grade in CMS. In looking at the data for the last three years, CMS has had between ... Continue Reading →
Election 2015 Winners
Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts (52.26%); Council At-large Julie Eiselt (16.98%) Vi Lyles (16.36%) Claire Fallon (15.81%) James Mitchell (14.30%) Council Districts 1: Patsy Kinsey (93.35%) 2: Al Austin (79.56%) 3: LaWana Mayfield (76.12%) 4: Greg Phipps (71.53%) 5: John Autry ... Continue Reading →
7 CMS candidates on November ballot address Forum
Sept. 8, 2015 Seven candidates for three at-large seats on the CMS Board of Education addressed the Forum today. All nine were invited; Angela Ambroise did not attend, and Larry Bumgarner said he would be out of town and would come to a later Forum. Two decisions made the Sept. 8 Forum ... Continue Reading →
Helping a friend: Training available to spot mental health issues
May 26, 2015 Three staff members outlined training and education offerings available from Mental Health America of Central Carolinas. The group handed out three brochures: “The MHA: your Source for Mental Health Education,” “Parent Voice Program” and “Compeer Program.” Mental Health America ... Continue Reading →