This compilation includes announcements offered on Sept. 25.
Natheley McElrath announced that early voting begins Oct. 19. Schedule and locations here. Running vote totals here.
Michael Tanck announced financial assistance for Internet access via Spectrum Internet Assist.
Blanche Penn announced the availability of coupons toward Park & Recreation activity registration fees, and a voter registration form.
Steve Johnston announced that e-mails about Forum announcements and live streaming of Forum meetings would be suspended for Oct. 16 and Oct. 23, and would return for the Oct. 30 meeting.
Jean Leier sent in an announcement that I-77 Express construction will close the exit ramp from westbound Brookshire Boulevard to southbound I-77 for two months, beginning Saturday, Sept. 29. Detour map here.
Upcoming events
Oct. 4: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 4: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Oct. 5: Crucial Catch games, 7 p.m.
Oct. 6: Adams Madhatter’s Luncheon & Hat Auction.
Oct. 6: Know Your Rights session, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Belmont Center, 700 Parkwood Ave.
Oct. 6: Black Political Caucus Leadership Institute, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fee. Register here.
Oct. 9: Alma Adams’ Community Career Fair, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Byers Elementary, 1415 Hamilton St. Details.
Oct. 9: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 9: Civics 101 on CMS Board of Education.
Oct. 10: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Oct. 11: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 11: Crucial Catch games, 7 p.m.
Oct. 11: Partners for Parks annual Awards Ceremony, Cordelia Park, 2100 N. Davidson St., 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Oct. 11: Urban League golf fundraiser.
Oct. 12: 50th anniversary gala for Ferguson Chambers & Sumter, 6 p.m.. Tickets.
Oct. 12: Crucial Catch games, 7 p.m.
Oct. 13: Spectrum Community Impact Day, 11-2, 2701 Freedom Dr.
Oct. 13: Hampton University on-site admissions and information event.
Oct. 14: Pink Pearls fundraiser celebrating Ashley’s Arms’ receipt of 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
Oct. 15: Judicial Candidate Forum. RSVP required.
Oct. 16: Civics 101 on county government.
Oct. 17: Panel and resource fair on mental health and suicide.
Oct. 18: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 19: Crucial Catch games, 7.p.m.
Oct. 20: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Oct. 23: Civics 101 graduation and meet the press.
Oct. 23: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 24: Crucial Catch games, 7.p.m.
Oct. 25: Meet & Eat series with city and county staff about government services. RSVP.
Oct. 31: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Nov. 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
Nov. 13: MeckEd Community Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.
Dec. 5: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Dec. 8: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Jan. 9: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Jan. 31-Feb. 2: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Feb. 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Feb. 22: Justice Initiatives summit on raise the age. Register here.
March 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
April 3: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
News & Handouts
Carla Cunningham
Joel Ford
Carol Sawyer
Joyce Waddell one two three
N.C. ballot issue handouts one two
City bonds newsletter
Charlotte NEXT one two
CharMeck Chronicle
Mecklenburg Board Bulletins one two
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