May 2: MeckMIN Annual Community Leader Awards fundraising breakfast, 7:30 a.m., Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. Tickets $60 and up here.
May 22: Graduation celebration for EY Charlotte MAP (Mentoring for Access and Persistence) program, 6 p.m., 1422 South Blvd. Background here.
May 23: Building Opportunities for Strategies and Success Conference, an annual event that “celebrates and empowers minority and women-owned small business owners,” from 8 a.m., UNC Charlotte Marriott Hotel, 9041 Robert D Snyder Rd. Info here. Register here.
May 27: Ceremony marking Memorial Day, Cedar Grove Cemetery, 2400 Hildebrand St.
June 1: Friends of West Meck 4th Annual Future Ready Fundraiser, 4-8 p.m., Charlotte Art League building, 4237 Raleigh St. Tickets $100-$125 here.
June 3: Juneteenth flag raising, 11:30 a.m., Ebenezer Baptist Church, 2020 W Sugar Creek Rd.
June 12: Friends of West Meck 4th Annual Future Ready Fundraiser, 4-8 p.m., Charlotte Art League building, 4237 Raleigh St. Tickets $100-$125 here.
June 24-27: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Tonia Cherry to Amelia Island, St. Augustine and Jacksonville, Fla., $480.
July 29-Aug. 3: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark to Memphis, $765.
Oct. 14-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Venitra White-Dean to Charleston, $480.
Nov. 1: Center for Community Transitions fundraising gala, 6 p.m.
Candidates, Elected Officials, Etc.
Natasha Marcus 4-26
Joyce Waddell 4-29
Governments, Nonprofits, etc.
CMS 4-25 Survey link here 4-25
Center for Community Transitions 4-30
City Startup Labs 4-30
Goodwill Industries 4-30
The Link Crown Jewels Chapter 4-29
NC Administrative Office of the Courts 4-24 4-25 4-29
New Rural Project 4-25
Read Charlotte 4-30
Sol Nation 4-26
UNCC Urban Institute 4-24