Victor Mack sent in an announcement of a UNCC STEM Pre-College Program, Jan. 20-May 16 for students in grades 6-12. Program goal is to “broaden the pool of students pursuing mathematics, science, and engineering majors and careers.” Application fee $50. More details here. Flier here. UNCC website page here. Application here.
Kendrick Cunningham announced his candidacy for the N.C. Senate District 41 seat.
Funeral and repatriation service for 1938 Second Ward High School graduate Lt Fred Brewer, a Tuskegee Airman lost over Italy in 1944, will be Wednesday, Dec. 6 at Friendship MIssionary Baptist Church, 3301 Beatties Ford Rd., with visitation at 10:30 a.m. and funeral service at 11 a.m. Burial will follow at VA Salisbury National Cemetery at 2 p.m.
Upcoming Events
Dec. 1: Conversation marking World AIDS Day, 6:30 p.m., virtual.
Dec. 2: World AIDS Day event, noon-2 p.m., free, New Covenant Bibleway Church, 1321 Capps Hill Mine Rd.
Dec. 6: Parenting Your Parent: Is Medicare Enough, 7 p.m., virtual.
Dec. 9: Application Fair for Mecklenburg County HOMES program. More here.
Dec. 15: A Sign of the Times at Booth Playhouse, “Soulful Celebration featuring Toni Tupponce”, 8 p.m., tickets from $28.50 here.
Dec. 17: Info session for teachers interested in applying for two-week teacher training experiences at National Air and Space Museum. Zoom session 8:30 p.m.; link here.
Feb. 8: Pride Magazine’s Pride Awards luncheon, from 11 a.m., Westin, 601 S. College St. Individual online tickets $324.21.
Feb. 17: For The Struggle annual benefit gala and awards ceremony, 6 p.m., Orchid Banquet Hall, 521 Little Rock Rd.
March 7: C.W. Williams Heath Center’s 6th Women’s Health & Doctor Recognition Luncheon, noon-1:30 p.m., Hilton Uptown Charlotte. Tickets $50 here.
April 29-May 4: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Tonia Cherry to Biloxi and New Orleans, $770.
June 24-27: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Tonia Cherry to Amelia Island, St. Augustine and Jacksonville, Fla., $480.
July 29-Aug. 3: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark to Memphis, $765.
Sept. 2-6: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark to Savannah, Jekyll Island and Beaufort, S.C., $765.
Oct. 14-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Venitra White-Dean to Charleston, $480.
Governments, Nonprofits, Etc.
Carolina Youth Coalition 11-28
Center for Community Transitions 11-28
Council for Children’s Rights 11-23 11-26 11-27 11-28
MeckEd 11-28
Money Magnets Club 11-27
New Rural Project 11-28
Read Charlotte 11-28
RICS Market 11-28