Feb. 1, 2022
Two members of the city planning staff this morning offered an update on the developing 2040 Plan effort. The plan was approved by City Council last year. A map linking policy to specific parcels will go to Council in the months ahead. Much more lies ahead.
Presenters were Interim Planning Director Ayson Craig and Division Manager Alysia Osborne.
There was of course, an elephant in the room. The elephant’s name is Broken Promises. Perhaps that’s why the virtual Forum event drew the most participants since September.
Staff did what they could to explain the plan. Division Manager Alysia Osborne also batted down some myths: No, you can still build a single-family house. Already-built subdivisions may never support the vision of being within a 10-minute walk of neighborhood services.
As for Broken Promises – sidewalks promised but never built, say – Osborne acknowledged the elephant. Few of the elephant trainers, however, were in the room.
The Comprehensive Plan is a 600-plus page document. It codifies in one place all city policy on land use development, etc. It offers many visions for what should lie ahead for Charlotte. But will the visions emerge from the ground, or stay between the plan’s covers? That’s for the elephant trainers who serve on Charlotte City Council to determine.
Like the elephants, the trainers have large ears listening to the will of the people they hear. It’s always been that way. The task ahead for voters is to ensure that all of the people are heard.
Below the video are excerpts from the day’s chat box; and slides from the day’ presentation. All slides from the presentation may be downloaded as a PDF file here.
– Steve Johnston
From the chat box
Information added to the morning chat box included the following:
Alyson Craig: You can find the map here: https://cltfuture2040.com/
Alyson Craig: UDO reference guide: https://charlotteudo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/UDO-Reference-Guide_Final.pdf
Belal Elrahal: Here is the link to the Mecklenburg County Quality of Life Explorer – a lot of useful data and information to explore: https://mcmap.org/qol/
Jennifer De La Jara: CMS is currently evaluating its capital needs assessment and looking at growth. We will be bringing forth a bond to the County/the people for 2023 to build new schools. Please reach out if you are interested in more info about that process. We would appreciate the community’s support for new schools that our teachers and students deserve. [email protected]
Louise Woods: CMS is responsible for siting schools….
Jennifer De La Jara: Here is the Municipal Advisory Educational Committee mtg from October regarding what considerations will be forthcoming as it relates to the next bond. Please watch and provide feedback. Yes, the City (and the towns), the County and CMS need to collaborate more deliberately as we move forward. https://fb.watch/aU_GUnTLkY/
Alysia Osborne: E-mail me with additional questions. [email protected]
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