March 7, 2023 Memories flowed this morning as three who were among the first Black women hired by Charlotte TV broadcasters shared the good and the bad, the hilarious and the horrific that they witnessed. Deborah Mann Gibbs, a St. Louis native, joined WBTV in 1975. Just a month earlier, she had ... Continue Reading →
Women’s health: Honoring trailblazers, lending encouragement
Jan. 25, 2022 Forum participants today listened to stories describing how meetings over the last year among women focused on women’s overall health have led to a multi-pronged effort, first to recognize leaders in women’s health, and second to provide women ways to find the support they need to ... Continue Reading →
Bea Thompson on Inner Vision
Oct. 11, 2016 Bea Thompson offered a short description of Inner Vision, a mental health nonprofit. Thompson became the group's spokesperson after retiring earlier this year as news and public affairs director at WBAV-FM and WPEG-FM. Thompson provided this brochure to Forum participants. Below ... Continue Reading →