MeckMIN issued a call for pictures of artwork or prerecorded performance pieces on the themes of gratitude and healing for display in the virtual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Nov. 23. Submission deadline Oct. 8. Details here.
DeAlva Wilson sent in material about a county program to assist homeowners with housing costs. Details here.
Former Forum presenter Sherrell Dorsey announced a virtual launch party on Monday, Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. for a new website for The Plug, her creation that examines “what’s shaping the Black innovation economy”. Register here.
MeckMIN seeks donations to Crisis Assistance Ministry’s Eviction Prevention Fund, now that the federal eviction moratorium has ended and about 22,000 Mecklenburg households are at risk. Online donations here. To donate by check, make your check out to Crisis Assistance Ministry and put “MeckMIN Eviction Prevention Fund” on the memo line and to send it to Crisis Assistance, Attn: Karen Starkey, 500-A Spratt St., Charlotte, NC 28206. Flier here.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 29: “Shaping Education: Decisions & Impact,” Zoom panel, 6:30-8 p.m. Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 894 5408 7102. Link via phone: 1-301-715-8592.
Sept. 30: “Your Voice, Your Vision,” Zoom, 6 p.m., “hosted by six local media organizations in North Carolina that are changing and looking to be more inclusive in all ways, including telling more stories for communities of color and other marginalized people.” Register here.
Oct. 1: Emergency rental assistance pop-up, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Park Expo, 800 Briar Creek Rd. Read flier for details.
Oct. 5: National Night Out event, 6-9 p.m. Stumptown Park, 120 S. Trade St., Matthews.
Oct. 7: Women’s Health & Doctor Recognition Event, virtual, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Ticket or sponsorship info here.
Oct 12: UNCC Urban Institute panel discussion on the racial wealth gap, rescheduled from Sept. 30. Info and registration here.
Oct. 16: “Loving Me: Mind, Body, Soul – A Mental Health & Wellness Virtual Symposium,” 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Register here.
Nov. 6-14: “One For The Books” event to “say goodbye to the current building and welcome the future together.” Uptown Library.
Nov. 23: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, virtual, 7 p.m.
July 18-23: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to the Gulf Coast for casino attractions.
Sept. 12-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to Cincinnati for Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – and a casino.
News & Handouts
Joyce Waddell 9-27
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin 9-28
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 9-24
UNCC Urban Institute 9-23