A note about cancellations: Hurricane Florence may force changes in sponsors’ plans for events in the near-term. One item below has already been updated for a rescheduling; others will no doubt follow. Please send cancellations, reschedulings and other material here.
Laura McClettie announced that the Census Bureau is hiring for the 2020 Census.
Juanita Miller announced that she is collecting gently used clothes for reuse in the Congo. Miller at 704-807-3863.
Blanche Penn announced the availability of coupons toward Park & Recreation activity registration fees, and a voter registration form.
Munro Richardson sent in an announcement that Read Charlotte is recruiting volunteers to tutor third-graders. Flier here. Details here. Video here.
League of Women Voters’ Civics 101 Sept. 24-Oct. 23 registration open here. Flier here. Fee $60.
Upcoming events
Sept. 15: Maximizing Potential conference for parents of gifted students.
Sept. 15: My Sister’s Keeper Awards Luncheon.
Sept. 16: Harvest Home & Mission Festival, Prince of Peace Lutheran, lunch, 1 p.m., service 3 p.m.
Sept. 18: Mentor training CANCELLED.
Sept. 19: Suicide prevention and mental health awareness panel and resource fair. POSTPONED.
Sept. 20: Job fair, West Charlotte Recreation Center, 3-6 p.m. Pre-registration optional.
Sept. 20: State of Our Black Boys Part II, 6-8 p.m., Reeder Memorial Baptist Church, 3725 Beatties Ford Rd.
Sept. 20: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Sept. 21: Sickle Cell Gala.
Sept. 22: Griertown Bash, noon-4 p.m.
Sept. 22: Birthday Drop-in for Ken Koontz’s 70th, 3-7 p.m., East Stonewall AME Zion Church Fellowship Hall, 1729 Griers Grove Rd.
Sept. 24: Civics 101 on city government.
Sept. 25: Alpha Kappa Alpha political roundtable with candidates, 6 p.m., Trinity Episcopal School, 750 E.9th. St.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Sept. 25: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Sept. 28: City Startup Labs reunion and 5th anniversary celebration. Rescheduled from Sept. 15.
Sept. 28: Mosaic at the Lake cruise; fee.
Sept. 29: 12th District Military Service Academy Day.
Sept. 30: Joyce Waddell campaign fund-raiser.
Oct. 2: Civics 101 on courts.
Oct. 3: Taste of the World. Tickets $49 here.
Oct. 4: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Oct. 6: Adams Madhatter’s Luncheon & Hat Auction.
Oct. 6: Know Your Rights session, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Belmont Center, 700 Parkwood Ave.
Oct. 9: Civics 101 on CMS Board of Education.
Oct. 10: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Oct. 11: Partners for Parks annual Awards Ceremony, Cordelia Park, 2100 N. Davidson St., 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Oct. 16: Civics 101 on county government.
Oct. 20: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Oct. 23: Civics 101 graduation and meet the press.
Oct. 31: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Nov. 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
Nov. 13: MeckEd Community Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.
Dec. 5: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Dec. 8: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Jan. 9: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Jan. 31-Feb. 2: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Feb. 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Feb. 22: Justice Initiatives summit on raise the age. Register here.
March 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
April 3: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
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