Next week: CMS school board at-large candidates (not on Sept. 15 primary).
Larken Egleston announced that the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County will hold a primary night viewing party on Tuesday, Sept. 15 at Heist Brewery in NoDa, 2909 N. Davidson St. No admission charge and open to all.
Colette Forrest announced a free early vote kick-off rally and fish fry on Wednesday, Sept. 2 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Rd. Details here.
Nakisa Glover announced a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at Greenville AME Zion Church at 6116 Monteith Dr., with prayers also to be offered on the decision not to retry the Kerrick case that ended recently in a hung jury.
Robert Hillman announced the Charlotte Literary Festival on Saturday, Oct. 3 at Little Rock AME Zion Community Development Center. More info at their website.
Levester Flowers announced that his school board election campaign would sponsor a gospel sing on Sunday, Sept. 20 from 4-6 p.m. at Little Rock AME Community Development Center, 401 N. McDowell St. Contribution of $15 suggested.
Phyllis Perry announced that pledge cards are available for Sarah Stevenson’s 90th Birthday Party on Sunday, Oct. 25 from 2-4:30 p.m. in Grimes Lounge on the Johnson C. Smith University campus, 101 Beatties Ford Rd. The fund-raiser will support two students from South Africa attending JCSU, including Portia Motsapi.
Dena Diorio sent in her Aug. 31 Board Bulletin.
Sharon Holm sent in an announcement of a candidate debate and community forum on the 2015 mayoral race on Thursday, Sept. 10 at Biddle Hall on the Johnson C. Smith University campus, 101 Beatties Ford Rd. Opening address by former mayor Harvey Gantt.
Catherine Kennedy sent in an announcement of a City Council At-Large candidate forum on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 7 p.m. at Rockwell AME Zion Church Fellowship Hall, 6301 Rockwell Church Rd.
Joel Ford sent in his Sept. 1 legislative newsletter. During a short address to the Forum, Ford referenced two items: background material on VoterID, and a legislative summary on bills before the Legislature.
Sharon Holm sent in an invitation to Jazz in Session on Wednesday, Sept. 9 from 6 p.m. at the Gantt Center, 551 S. Tryon St. Details here; $10 tickets for nonmembers here.
Thornton Howard sent in a announcement that applications are being accepted by Grooming for Greatness Foundation for children 7-10 for Life’s Great Steps Afterschool Enrichment Program at 9700 Research Dr. Suite 101. Details and registration here.
LaWana Mayfield sent in her Aug. 28 Community Update.
Joel Ford sent in a link to a video of his message for the Main Street Democratic Legislative Caucus series.
Joyce Waddell sent in her Aug. 27 Waddell Weekly Bulletin.