Included are announcements from May 14 and May 21.
Laura McClettie announced that Malcolm Graham had agreed to be a Forum facilitator, and would be assisting in the procurement of presenters.
Karen Gipson announced that the YMCA needs volunteer Y Readers one hour a week for six weeks this summer to serve 1,100 first- through third-graders who are already below grade level. Info here, and here to volunteer.
Dianna Davis asked for organization news for her Watch Charlotte Access 21 TV show Saturdays at 1 p.m. Info here.
Doug Jones announced that volunteer adult proctors are needed through June 3 at CMS schools. Become a registered volunteer here.
Dianna Davis announced that Global Vocational Training Center has open house Wednesdays at 1 p.m. at 4921 Albemarle Rd. More info here.
The Urban League sent in a list of its CareerBridge Workforce Training summer sessions.
Upcoming events
May 23: Firm Foundations info session on mentoring opportunities.
May 23: Reading, Writing & Race community conversation, 7 p.m., WBTV.
May 25: Level Up event for teens, 8-11 p.m. More info.
May 30: County town hall for senior citizens, 9 a.m., Valerie Woodard Center, 3205 Freedom Dr.
May 31: Screening of “Man Up,” 6:30 p.m., Northwest School of the Arts.
May 31: Hearts of Champions Gala, free, 6 p.m., Park Church.
June 1: “Chain Reaction”, free, performance arts event “exploring the complex interactions between humans and their natural, physical, and social environments through a lens of environmental justice;” Goodyear Arts, 301 Camp Rd.
June 6: League of Women Voters annual meeting, 6 p.m.
June 7: Deadline for Celebrate Charlotte Arts grant applications.
June 8: Money Magnets Club Meeting for children 5-11 to interest them in entrepreneurship.
June 10: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
June 11: Marketing & Social Media Workshop. Free. Register here.
June 12: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County, 1812 Central Ave., 6:30 p.m.
June 15: United Voices’ Juneteenth Celebration, 10 a.m., Johnson C. Smith University campus.
June 17: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
June 24: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
June 24-Aug. 2: Four Court Camps for youth 14-18 at Mecklenburg Courthouse. Deadline extended to May 31.Details. Flier.
June 25: Session on grantwriting and fundraising. Details: Constance Lav Johnson via e-mail.
June 25: Aviation Camps of the Carolinas event. Monroe Airport. Some seats free; details here.
June 27: Sip ‘n Play Game Night, 7-10 p.m., Queens Coffee Bar, 1720 Pegram St. Regster here.
July 1: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
July 15-20: Biloxi/New Orleans Casino trip.
July 27: Conference on public school books, testing and curriculum. Registration form here. Tickets $35.
Aug. 15: Paint the Town Blue Gala fund-raiser.
Aug. 31: Sickle Cell Run/Walk, 8 a.m., videos one two
News & Handouts
Alma Adams
Nasif Majeed
Carol Sawyer
Joyce Waddell one two three
City Startup Labs
Knight Foundation one two three
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin one two