Nancy Carter urged participation in a Council on Aging senior mobility study.
Levester Flowers said CMS Beacon Schools need proctors. Info: Flowers by e-mail or at 704-968-3391.
Karen Gipson said YMCA needs adults to mentor during the summer. Flier here.
Upcoming events
May 18: Meck Dec Day. noon, The Square.
May 18: Genesis Project 11th Anniversary Banquet, 7 p.m.
May 18: Livable Meck Engagement Cafe, 9 a.m.
May 19: Larken Egleston Town Hall, noon.
May 19: Officer wellness workshop.
May 19: Eustress Mental Health Awareness Gala
May 22: IBEW Lobby Day in Raleigh for $15 wage. Flier.
May 24: Pastors Appreciation Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.
May 25: Decision Day for Seniors at West Charlotte High School.
May 30: Grants Lunch & Learn, free.
June 6: Mental Health First Aid class for adults.
June 13: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County.
June 16: Blackberry Brunch, 11 a.m.
June 16: Juneteenth celebration, 10-7, Eva B. Barber Thomasboro/Hoskins Neighborhood Park.
Aug. 9: Paint the Town Blue Gala, 5:30 p.m.
Sept. 8: Sickle Cell Run/Walk.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Nov 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
News & Handouts
Jamie Hildreth.
Joyce Waddell.
Goodwill success story.
Cannabidiol therapies for exceptional children One Two Three.
Charlotte NEXT mini-grants, e-blast.
Mental Health America Parent Voice support group.