The Forum met in its new virtual reality March 9 with Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles and County Board Chair George Dunlap. The meeting can be watched on this website, and the video has been uploaded to Facebook. Livestreaming will commence when all the stars are aligned.
Ajonelle Poole sent in a reminder to participate in a survey on the Silver Line light rail project.
Oak Street Health is scheduling vaccination appointments for persons 65+ who live near 6824 Harrisburg Rd. Transportation is provided. Call 980-406-5971.
U.S. Rep. Alma Adams announced the 2021 Congressional Art Competition for high school students who attend school in or live in the 12th District. Rules here. Application here. Flier here. More details.
Upcoming Events
March 10: Mecklenburg Democratic Women, 6:30 p.m. Wilhelmenia Rembert on “The Power of Words.” Register here.
March 11: “Pandemics and Partnerships: How Public and Private Sector Engagement can propel a COVID Recovery,” virtual panel discussion, noon, part of 4th annual HBCU STEAM Day of Action. Register here.
March 11: Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance’s March Mingle at Movimiento Dance Academy, 6-7 p.m. via Zoom. Register here.
March 11: “The Community Imperative,” part of AMP America’s Accelerating Justice series, 8 p.m. Register here.
March 12: Atrium Health drive-through vaccine clinic, first dose, no registration, first-come first-served, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Greater Bethel AME Church, 5232 The Plaza.
March 18: MeckMin Food for Thought, 12:30 p.m., “The Importance of Front End Reentry & Community Support.” Register here.
March 18: Town hall on effects of pandemic on mental health, childcare and family services, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Register here. Flier here.
March 26: Virtual Legislative Breakfast by Mental Health America of Central Carolinas, free, 7:30 a.m. Register here.
April 7: MeckMin Community Leader Awards Breakfast, 8 a.m.
April 9: Atrium Health drive-through vaccine clinic, second dose, no registration, first-come first-served, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Greater Bethel AME Church, 5232 The Plaza.
April 15: MeckMin, Care of Creation: Climate Change, 12:30 p.m.
April 29-May 1: “Ensuring Educational Equity and Cultural Competency…”, a Southeast regional virtual conference of the Alliance of Black School Educators. A girls group is to be added for this conference.
July 15-18: MeckMin Summer Interfaith Youth Camp, $250. Apply here.
News & Handouts
Nasif Majeed 3-5
Congressional Black Caucus 3-4
Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services 3-5
Friendship Trays 3-3
Knight Foundation 3-7
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 3-5