Larken Egleston announced that he announced last Wednesday that he would file as a candidate for the District 1 City Council seat. Video here. Announcement here. Website here.
Joel Ford announced that the question he is most often asked is how much lottery money goes to CMS. He offered this brochure from the NC. Lottery, which identifies money returning to Mecklenburg County, not necessarily CMS.
Joel Ford also shared the 2016 annual report from the ABC Board. He said that while CIAA Week is one of North Carolina’s top weeks for ABC sales each year, none of the ABC proceeds go back to the CIAA member institutions. “That’s a problem.”
Vi Lyles announced that she had last week announced her candidacy for Charlotte mayor. Video here. Website here.
Nakisa Glover announced that TheAgenda will meet Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. at the House of LaMond, 3010 Monroe Rd. #103. Food orders must be placed in advance from vendor MarlieQ’s.
Maurice Jones announced a Toyota Green Initiative that will plant seedlings and discuss renewable energy on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. on the Johnson C. Smith University campus. Info and register here.
J’Tanya Adams announced that she will run for election to the District 2 seat on Charlotte City Council. Video here.
Jarrod Jones announced free screening of the movie “13th” on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. at West Charlotte High School auditorium, 2219 Senior Dr. Discussion follows, led by panel including Clerk of Superior Court Elisa Chinn-Gary. Flier here.
Blanche Penn announced that persons 50 and older may participate in Senior Games. Details here.
Queen Thompson announced that N.C. Museum of History curator Earl Ijames would present a program on “coloreds in the Confederacy” on Saturday, Feb. 18 at 1 p.m. at Reeder Memorial Baptist Church, 3725 Beatties Ford Rd.
Judith Wilson Burkes announced that her promotion company Single, Saved and Serious would hold two parties in connection with CIAA Week. Details here.
Ken Koontz announced that he would have available at the Feb. 21 Forum a collection of four DVDs covring four moments in Barack Obama’s presidency.
Bruce Clark announced a free public conversation on “the intersection of digital equity and workforce development and economic mobility” on Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 8-10 a.m. at the Belmont Center conference room, 700 Parkwood Ave. Info and RSVP here.
Cynthia Stahl announced she was present because of reading that Sarah Stevenson was listed as No. 41 on Charlotte Magazine’s “50 Most Powerful People in Charlotte” list.
Patricia Campbell left an announcement that St. Paul Baptist Church would hold a free screening and community discussion of “13th: From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment” on Saturday, Feb. 18 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the church, 1401 Allen St. Flier here.
Joyce Waddell sent in her Feb. 14 Waddell Weekly Bulletin.
Kim Ratliff sent in an announcement that the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department would hold a recruiting open house for women interested in careers with area first responder agencies on Saturday, March 25 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 1770 Shopton Rd. Flier here.
Amalia Deloney sent in an application, due this Friday, Feb. 17, for people wishing to be named to a project called “Connecting People & Places: A Civic Engagement Lab,” a Community Building Initiative project launched in response to Charlotte’s September street demonstrations. Explanation and application here.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement that the Nubian Rootz Kwanzaa Community Dialogue and Black History Month Celebration & African Marketplace will be held Saturday, Feb. 18 at Little Ruck Cultural Center’s Attic Theater at 401 N. Myers St. Program 1-3 p.m.; marketplace 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Flier here.
Larken Egleston sent in an announcement that Mecklenburg Young Democrats will meet Tuesday, Feb. 21 from 6:30-8 p.m. at 8.2.0 bar & restaurant, 820 Hamilton St. Details on Facebook.
Joel Ford sent in a spreadsheet highlighting 2015-16 performance data for the four N.C. charter schools with addresses in his N.C. Senate District 38. The Forum’s website will not store the spreadsheet for security reasons; this PDF contains the data but is less readable.
Dimple Ajmera sent in a list of updates from the City Council’s Economic Development Committee.
Dianna Davis sent in an announcement that the 5th Annual Charlotte African-American Festival will be held Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2 at The Carole Hoefener Center, 610 E. 7th St. Logo here. Facebook here. Info by e-mail or 704-777-9928.
Dena Diorio sent in her Feb. 13 Board Bulletin.
Victor Mack sent in an announcement of a Leadership Summit for Males of Color and Educators on Thursday, Feb. 16 at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and Feb. 17-18 at Stonewall AME Zion Church. Flier with full details here. Tickets $10-$130 and details here.
Sylvia Grier sent in a save-the-date for Genesis Project 1’s 10th anniversary celebration on Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m. at Delta Center, 5408 Beatties Ford Rd.