Next week: City Council at-large candidates.
Dee Rankin left a flier for a Know Your Rights town hall on Saturday, Aug. 15 at noon at Reeder Memorial Baptist Church, 3725 Beatties Ford Rd.
Sharon Holm sent in an announcement that the Gantt Center’s Jazzy 40th Anniversary Gala on Dec. 5 would honor Lonnie G. Bunch, III, Director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, with the Gantt Center’s Spirit of the Center Award. More here.
Laura Clark sent in a copy of the Aug. 11 edition of the Renaissance West Community Initiative newsletter.
Robert Dawkins sent in a link to his Agitator Radio interview with Dr. Gary M. McClelland about mass incarceration.
Dena Diorio sent in her Aug. 10 Board Bulletin.
Betty Howell Gray sent in an announcement of a voter education seminar on Saturday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Greater Providence Baptist Church, 2000 Milton Rd. Details here.
Rita Miles sent in a link to tickets for Charlotte Fashion Week Aug. 25-29 at the Charlotte Country Club.
Betty Howell Gray sent in a save-the-date for an AKA candidate forum on Thursday, Oct. 1 at 6 p.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church’s conference center, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd. Candidates willing to participate should contact C. Renee Jarrett by e-mail or Kamaria Lawrence by e-mail by Friday, Aug. 15.
Donna Lee Reed sent in an invitation to a National Family Empowerment Conference Sept. 25-26. Details here.
Sandra Conway sent in an invitation to “Does Isolation Matter? Choosing a Covenant Community, a discussion and call to action on student assignment and resegregation,” to be held Monday, Aug. 24 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Caldwell Presbyterian Church, 1609 E. 5th St. RSVP here. Details here.
Sharon Holm sent in details of Dr. Cornel West’s Gantt Symposium 2015 visit on Thursday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. at Knight Theater, 430 S. Tryon St. Details here. Tickets here.
Kim Roseboro sent in an announcement of Firm Foundations’ Back to School Prayer night on Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at University Meadows Elementary, 1600 Pavilion Blvd. Details here. RSVP here.
Linda Johnson sent in an announcement that The Charlotte Post would hold a mayoral candidate forum on Friday, Aug. 28 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the Carole Hoefener Center, 610 E. 7th St. Online tickets are $25.00 plus $2.37 fee here.
Greg Phipps sent in an announcement of a report from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies titled “50 Years of the Voting Rights Act: The State of Race in Politics.” Report here.
Tammy Hill sent in an announcement of a town hall Saturday, Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. at Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2600 Beatties Ford Rd., for the purpose of establishing a Beatties Ford Road Metro Division Crime Watch. Details here.