March 26, 2019
The three women who gathered at the Forum presenters’ table today operate in a societal space populated by the homeless, the sick, the destitute, the jobless, the skill-less, the hopeless.
Each has her silo, but they have been known to work together for the benefit of their clients.
What also binds their stories together are the challenges they face: They are so busy they don’t have time to write the grant applications that might allow them to get more help. They believe their clients are not served in culturally competent ways by other providers. They say they never seem to be invited to the table when Charlotte’s movers and shakers are exploring solutions, or distributing resources. And for every client they can help, there are 10, or a dozen, or multiple dozens more whom they must turn away.
Sonja Chisolm is founder and current Director of Gracious Hands Transitional Housing for Women & Children. The Gracious Hands website is here.
Avice Pretty is president of Vision Beyond the Eyes, an economic empowerment organization. The Vision Beyond the Eyes website is here. A brochure handed out during Tuesday’s presentation is here.
Dr. Trasha Black is the co-owner and Clinical Director of Genesis Project, a collaborative care team providing treatment of physical, mental, emotional and behavioral health issues. The Genesis Project website is here. A brochure handed out during Tuesday’s presentation is here.
City Council member LaWana Mayfield was in the audience, and participated in the discussion.
In the video below, the presentation begin at minute 8:34. The Q&A begins at minute 19:05.