Feb. 19, 2019
Same constituents. Different styles.
Garry McFadden, the newly elected sheriff, is in a hurry. He says his three campaign promises were all accomplished in 35 days. Now he’s hurrying on to change labels and cultures and attitudes toward all the people whom he serves, some of whom are no longer addressed as “inmates.”
George Dunlap has been in public office for more than 20 years. He was elected from District 3, but now, as chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, serves all Mecklenburg residents. He’s focused on maintaining what works, and getting things better. He’s been spending a lot of time lately educating taxpayers on property tax revaluation. He knows from polling that voters have very high expectations for the county to improve education, pre-kindergarten, parks and the rest. He sidesteps the reality that voters would never support him if he raised taxes enough to meet all of their expectations for better services.
In the video below, the presentations begin at minute 8:59. The Q&A begins at minute 35:30.