Dec. 15, 2015
The Tuned In Choir made the annual Christmas Party a festive occasion indeed, as the choir that actively involves formerly homeless men of McCreesh Place led the singing, and choir director and longtime community builder Dr. Thomas Moore used the ensemble to prompt audience participation.
Mistress of Ceremonies Natheley McElrath led games of knowledge and chance. The “Take a Gift” highlight saw a group of three wine bottles pass from one taker to the next, often before the bottles had even been put down.
Audience members passed the hat twice. The first ingathering, totaling $404, went off by sleigh as a donation to Friendship Trays, which had provided breakfast for the party. The second ingathering, totaling $400, was presented by Carlenia Ivory to Forum co-founder Sarah Stevenson as Forum participants’ love offering.
The Tuesday Morning Breakfast Forum Christmas Party annually marks the beginning of a hiatus in the Forum’s weekly meetings. The Forum will resume on Jan. 5, 2016.
The video below captures some of the festivities.