April 28, 2015
No, said Pat Cotham, she did not go to Raleigh to lobby legislators to rewrite election laws for county commissioners.
Yes, said Trevor Fuller, the task force on social mobility will find a way to involve everyone who wants to be a part of that study.
And so it went. The Forum is fueled by questions from the floor, and the topic of the moment switches constantly. But below are videos that collect the questions and answers into the main topics of the day:
- Talk around town that Democrat Pat Cotham lobbied in Raleigh to cut two at-large board members and make the surviving at-large member chairman by law. She denied the rumors.
- The work ahead for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Opportunity Task Force, which Fuller charged with offering solutions to Charlotte’s #50 ranking among 50 large U.S. cities for social mobility – the likelihood that impoverished families of today will have a more economically viable future.
- The county budget.
- The schools budget.
Attending the Forum were at-large members Pat Cotham, Trevor Fuller and Ella Scarborough; and District 2 member Vilma Leake.
The videos will be posted here as they are available.
Topic 1: Election law lobbying
Topic 2: Opportunity Task Force