Khalil Kinsey addressed the Forum this morning about his family’s collection of art and artifacts about the 400-year African-American experience. The Kinsey Collection opens to the public on Saturday, June 29 at the Harvey B. Gantt Center of African-American Arts + Culture and runs through Oct. 12.
A symposium on Thursday featuring Harvard’s Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. opens the run. The inaugural Gantt Symposium is at 6:30 p.m. at the Knight Theater.
As Khalil Kinsey addressed the Forum, Gantt Center official Sharon Holm shared press packets with the participants. The pieces of the packet included the images above, but also these items:
– An overview of the collection.
– A Gantt Center PR release with details about the exhibition’s opening, sponsors, the Gates lecture and ticket prices.
– A description of a book about the collection, “The Kinsey Collection: Shared Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey – Where Art and History Intersect,” 198 pages. Khalil Kinsey referred to this book in his comments.
– A 2005 Los Angeles Times story about the Kinseys’ home that was rebuilt to display the collection.
– A 2013 Orlando Sentinal website story about the portions of the collection on display at the Epcot Center.
– An undated Walt Disney release about the Epcot Center exhibition.
– A biography of Bernard Kinsey.