Next week: County commissioner district candidates.
Presenters Tuesday shared a flier on the city bond issues; an oversized Arts & Science Council broadside on the Cultural Vision Plan and, inside of it, a flysheet with additional information on the sales tax proposal; and a flier from opponents of the I-77 toll lane project.
Colette Forrest announced that members of the Congressional Black Caucus will participate in an free early-voting kick-off event on Wednesday, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. at the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Rd. Flier here.
J.R. Black announced events sponsored by Genesis Project and Johnson C. Smith University to mark National Depression Awareness Month, including “Depression: The Silent Assassin on Campus,” “Depression: The Biggest Epidemic Since Crack,” and “Depression: Hopelessness in the House of the Lord.” Details here.
Oneaka Mack announced that her Oneaka Dance Co. is looking for volunteers and sponsors for projects including a partnership with the Salvation Army Center of Hope to bring dance and visual arts into the community. Details here.
Blanche Penn announced that the Black Women’s Caucus will sponsor a Kitchen Konversation on Thursday, Oct. 16 from 6-8:30 p.m. at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 2020 W. Sugar Creek Rd. Requested donation is $10 per person.
Blanche Penn announced that the Silver Fox Cheerleaders took first place in the Seniors Games in Raleigh, bringing home the gold.
Blanche Penn announced that the Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center would hold a Spa Day, Pamper Me Time on Saturday, Oct. 4 at noon. Cost is $2. Info: Penn at 704-432-6775.
Izzy Ruffin announced that the NAACP would sponsor a Moral March to the Polls for Early Voting on Oct. 23.
Dianna Davis announced that Carolina Kid News TV Show and Generation Nation, the former Kids Voting, will host a forum on Tuesday Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Government Center Room 267 for County Commissioner candidates. Info: Davis at 704-777-9928 or by e-mail or Amy Farrell at 704-343-6999 or by e-mail.
Dianna Davis announced that volunteers are needed for the 2015 Charlotte African American Festival. Contact Davis at 704-777-9928 or by e-mail.
Carrie Cook announced that the Charlotte Chamber will hold a candidates reception on Thursday, Oct. 16 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at SMS Catering, 1764 Norland Rd. off Central Avenue. Event is free but registration here is required.
Carrie Cook announced that the Charlotte Chamber and the Carolina Minority Development Council are revamping the Charlotte Minority Economic Development Initiative. She said the initiative was associated with 300 jobs and $12 million in contracts. Share comments about the Initiative’s work or future with Carrie Cook by e-mail.
Tommie Robinson announced that for those who find his original paintings too expensive, he has prints and posters available. Greg Phipps later announced that yes, the paintings are expensive, but that Robinson does take layaway.
Gyasi Foluke announced that a committee of the Kushite Institute of Wholistic Development will wrap up its work in about two weeks on a proactive agenda for the public schools.
Jackie Edwards Walton announced that the last day to register to vote in the November election is Oct. 10.
Michael Barnes left a flier for a community conversation he is sponsoring on police, poverty and education, to be held Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Room 267 of the Government Center. Speakers include Police Chief Rodney Monroe and Urban League CEO Patrick Graham.
A flier for a campaign event for Superior Court Judge candidate Eric Montgomery was received from the Black Political Caucus. The event is Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Liberty Gastropub, 1812 South Blvd.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement of the Project 10 Kids Challenge, a free weight-loss, nutrition and exercise program sponsored through Genesis Project Family Wellness Center, 5104 Reagan Drive Suite 5, beginning Saturday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m.-noon. Details: Jasmine Maree at 704-596-0505 or by e-mail.
Colette Forrest sent in an announcement of a fundraiser for Clerk of Superior Court candidate Elisa Chinn Gary. The event is Tuesday, Sept. 30 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Historic Wadsworth Estate, 400 S. Summit Ave.
Dena Diorio sent in her Sept. 29 Board Bulletin. The Bulletin contains a URL to a new website page about the Mecklenburg County sales tax increase question on the Nov. 4 ballot.
Gloria Rembert sent in a form and an annnouncement of open houses to buy ads or seating for the Black Political Caucus fall fundraiser. The open houses will be Friday, Oct. 3 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Caucus office at BPC headquarters, 1326 Prince Hall Ave. Suite A-1. A flier for the fundraiser is here.
Christy McNeil (Announcements, Aug. 19) sent in an announcement of a deadline extension for advertising in the Charlotte Post’s Voter’s Resource Guide. Details here.
Nakiya Cohen sent in an announcement that early voting locations and dates and times of operation are here.
Millard House sent in an announcement that New Leaders Charlotte has a new Facebook page.
Bill Anderson sent in an announcement of few tickets remaining for MeckEd’s annual Community Breakfast on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 8 a.m., keynoted by former N.C. Gov. Jim Hunt. Details here.
Faith Triggs sent in a copy of the September issue of The Tassel, the newsletter of the Charlotte Housing Authority.
Jane Whitley sent in a request for volunteers to house Democratic Party volunteers coming into the community to assist with get-out-the-vote efforts. Volunteer form is here.
Joel Ford sent in a copy of his Sept. 30 Legislative News.