Carol Sawyer announced a meet-and-greet for her District 4 school board campaign on Sunday, Oct. 1 from 3-5 p.m. at 634 Waco St.
Bruce Clark announced release of a Digital Inclusion Playbook, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 4 p.m. at the Goodwill Opportunity Campus, 5301 Wilkinson Blvd.
Carlenia Ivory announced the grand opening of the Stevenson Apartments on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 11 a.m. in Brightwalk at 1445 Samuel St. off Statesville Avenue.
Levester Flowers announced that Kelly Education Staffing is now offering longevity bonuses after 10 months of CMS substitute teacher service equal to 1.5% of annual earnings.
Gary Leake reminded those posting yard signs in their yards that ordinance requires that signs be at least 11 feet from the curb or they will be removed.
Arthur Griffin asked for volunteers to help reach out to voters for the school bond referendum. Reach Griffin at 704-607-4493.
Stephanie Sneed announced that the Black Political Caucus and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators had endorsed her bid for the District 4 school board seat.
Thelma Byers-Bailey announced that the Black Political Caucus and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators had endorsed her bid for re-election to the District 2 school board seat.
Jade Jackson announced that the upcoming Poor People’s Campaign is to identify 1,000 people in each state for direct action, beginning on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2018.
Jade Jackson announced that early voting had begun for the City Council District 5 second primary, now at Hal Marshall Building, 700 N. Tryon, and on Oct. 2 adding Independence Library, 6000 Conference Dr.
Nakisa Glover announced that she is trying to launch new chapters in Charlotte for Girls Who Code. Girls in 6th through 12th grade are the focus. Details by e-mail. Video here.
Graphic here.
Rodney Moore announced a judicial redistricting committee meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 10 a.m. in Room 544 of Raleigh’s legislative building. Audio feed avaiable from this page.
Rodney Moore announced that the General Assembly would be back in session on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
Dena Diorio sent in her Sept. 25 Board Bulletin.
DeAndrea Salvador sent in an announcement that Renewable Energy Transition Initiative will host a Energy Hero Festival on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Arbor Glen Rec Center, 1520 Clanton Rd. Fliers here and here.
April Barnes sent in an announcement of an open house on Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 10 a.m.-noon at PACE of the Southern Piedmont, 6133 The Plaza. Promotional video here.
Stephanie Counts sent in the Sept. 22 W.I.E. newsletter.
Arthur Griffin sent in a Vote Yes for School Bonds newsletter.
Angela Caffee sent in an announcement of a Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance workshop on human trafficking on Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 9:30-11 a.m. a 601 E. 5th St. RSVP here.
Victor Mack sent in details on regional competitions in Asheville, Charlotte and Raleigh in October leading to the November Africa Quiz Bowl state championships for 4th-12th graders. Website here.
Jason Terrell sent in the September edition of the Profound Gentlemen newsletter.
Kay Tembo sent in an invitation from U.S. Rep. Alma Adams to a Military Service Academy Day to learn how high school students can be nominated to receive full scholarships to military academies. The event will be Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m.-noon at Hawthorne Academy of Health Sciences, 1411 Hawthorne Ln. Details here.
Mary Klenz sent in an announcement that CMS officials will address funding issues at League of Women Voters forums on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 9:30-11 a.m. at Amity Presbyterian Church, 2831 N. Sharon Amity Rd., Charlotte, and Saturday, Oct. 21 from 9:30-11 a.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd. Details here.
Kim Roseboro sent in an announcement of a free “The Exchange” listening session between generations of women, on Friday Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Grimes Lounge on the Johnson C. Smith University campus. Register here. Questions: Chanale Propst by e-mail.
Rashaan Peek sent in an announcement of “Wrangling Cats: Engaging and Retaining Your Volunteer Base,” a MeckEd Professional Development Series program, on Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 9-11 a.m. at Grier Heights Community Center, 3100 Leroy St. Info and $27 registration here.
Jim Garges sent in the Sept. 26 Partners for Parks newsletter.
Campaign materials received since last Announcements:
City Council At-large: Eiselt
City Council District 2: Erickson