Coming up at the Forum: Dec. 2, Open Forum; Dec. 9, Beatties Ford Road median; Dec. 16: Christmas party. Natheley McElrath asked all to bring unwrapped gifts to Forums before or on Dec. 16 for the Take a Gift game.
Laura McClettie read a letter announcing that Johnson C. Smith University would award one of its Arch of Triumph awards to the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Forum at the university’s annual gala on April 11, 2015 at the Charlotte Convention Center.
Betty Howell Gray announced a leadership conference for black males and adults on Feb. 12-13, 2015. The focus is “cultural issues and best practices to improve academic achievement for all children, especially children of African descent.” Info here. Registration form here.
Yolanda Trotman announced a volunteer appreciation social for Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Sports One Charlotte, 521 N. College St. Ceremonial swearing for newly elected District Court Judge Trotman will be at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 7 in Courtroom 6370 in the Mecklenburg County Courthouse.
Gyasi Foluke passed out a cartoon here (or here) which he said helps explain why African-American children are behind in school.
Lucille Puckett announced a rally over the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Mo., sponsored by the National Action Network, would be held Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Federal Courthouse.
Levester Flowers announced that county commissioners would be sworn in at 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 1 at the Government Center.
Ken Koontz announced an interfaith Thanksgiving service for Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. at University Park Baptist Church, 6029 Beatties Ford Rd.
Nasif Majeed announced an NAACP rally over the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Mo. on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, 700 W. Sugar Creek Rd.
Erika Ellis-Stewart announced a League of Women Voters Holiday Brunch to be held Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at League offices, 1817 Central Ave.
Ericka Ellis-Stewart invited all to attend the December meeting of the CMS school board Policy Committee, to be held [according to the CMS website] on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 10:30 a.m. in room 528 of the Government Center.
Charles Thomas sent in a summary of the winners at the Nov. 19 Innovation Challenge event at Johnson & Wales.
Robert Dawkins sent in a link to his Agitator Radio interview with Rev. Charles White, national field director for National Action Network.
Dena Diorio sent in a copy of her Nov. 24 Board Bulletin.
Jane Whitley sent in an announcement that The Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County would hold a Holiday Party on Thursday, Dec. 11 from 6-9 p.m. Details here.
Millard House sent in an announcement that Paul Barnhardt had rejoined New Leaders Charlotte as managing director of program. Details here.
Faith Triggs sent in a copy of the November issue of The Tassel, the newsletter of the Charlotte Housing Authority Scholarship Fund.
Colette Forrest sent in an announcement that for Black Political Caucus officer positions to be elected Feb. 15, self-nomination forms are due Dec. 19 and must be e-mailed to Thurman Ross. Membership application is here. Thurmond Ross’s letter outlining offices open, duties of each office and self-nomination form is here in Word or PDF.