The Forum did not meet Nov. 20. Announcements added were sent in by e-mail.
Frances Hall sent in an announcement of the opening of the Beatties Ford Road Vocational Trade Center & High School for boys in grades 9-12, designed to help youth finish high school and learn trades that will make them employable in Charlotte’s booming construction industry. Vocational Center’s website is here.
Keiba Young sent in an announcement that applications for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program will be taken beginning Dec. 1, through March 31. See fliers in English and Spanish for details. Both fliers here in PDF.
Upcoming events
Dec. 5: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Dec. 8: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Jan. 10: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Jan. 17: Mayor’s Mentoriing Alliance Awards event, 6-8 p.m., 3646 Central Ave.
Jan. 28: Discussion with Richard Rothstein, author of “The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America,” 6 p.m., First Baptist Church-West, 1801 Oaklawn Ave. Details on free copies of book here. Website here.
Jan. 31-Feb. 2: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Feb. 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Feb. 22: Justice Initiatives summit on raise the age. Register here.
March 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
April 3: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
July 15-20: Biloxi/New Orleans Casino trip.
News & Handouts
Carla Cunningham
Carol Sawyer
Joyce Waddell
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin