Elloree Erwin, Sarah Stevenson’s sister, writes, “Please share Sarah’s direct phone number. It is 980-335-0771. We’ve been successful in getting this done. It would’ve been done earlier had we known that we could have this done. Hopefully this means that her room number will not be changed by the facility. She’s in very good spirits this morning. Also, please send a big THANK YOU to all who dropped in for her 96th Birthday Celebration. It was simply Great and all had a wonderful time.”
First in Families will give away a free turkey and a free box of food on Saturday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m., while supplies last, at 4530 Park Rd. Bring to the event this form after filling it out. Detailed instructions are here. Flier here.
Two programs to assist low-income individuals and families with energy costs are available at Mecklenburg Department of Social Services: Crisis Intervention Program (CIP): Funds are available year-round until they are depleted. Coordinator Ginny Harper writes that the program can “assist low income individuals and/or families who are experiencing a heating- or cooling-related crisis or health-related emergency due to the threat of a utility disconnection.” Funds may cover deposits and re-connection fees. And to qualify, families need not wait until disconnection day to receive assistance. Fliers outline how to apply online, phone, e-mail or in person. Fliers are downloadable as PDFs in English and Spanish. And Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP): Available Dec. 1-March 31, the program offers one-time state grants of $300-$500 to cover heating costs. Grant goes directly to utility company. Details are in fliers. Fliers are downloadable as PDFs in English and Spanish.
Mayor’s Mentoring Allliance seeks nominations for awards to be presented Jan. 20. Details here. Online nomination form here.
The Friends of West Meck have spun Giving Tuesday into a November-December donations appeal period in support of students and famillies at the school. Details here.
Upcoming Events
Nov. 18: Virtual “2021 Schul Forum: Moving the Needle in Charlotte and Beyond” on economic mobility, 1:30 p.m. Online details here. Register here.
Nov. 18: League of Women Voters litter cleanup of streets adjoining Board of Elections, 10 a.m. Meet at 741 Kenilworth Ave.
Nov. 23: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, virtual, 7 p.m.
Nov. 30: Retirement ceremony for Judge Donnie Hoover, 1-2 p.m. Invitation here. RSVP here for virtual stream access.
Dec. 9: Wine tasting, 6-8:30 p.m., 5231 Piper Station Dr., to benefit West Mecklenburg High’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism and the school’s career pathways. Tickets ($60) here.
Jan. 20: Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance Awards ceremony, evening.
July 18-23: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to the Gulf Coast for casino attractions.
Sept. 12-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to Cincinnati for Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – and a casino.
News & Handouts
Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services 11-12
Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance 11-12
UNCC Urban Institute 11-15