Some election results at the local and state level will not be certain until the completion of elections boards’ canvass meetings on Nov. 12 and Nov. 13. Daily updates are being made in the Forum vote tallies here.
With voting done, candidate fund-raising e-mails will no longer be archived for these Announcements. Messages of appreciation to voters from candidates, however, are here. Steve Johnston thanks all readers for their patience with the hundreds of unsolicited campaign fund-raising e-mails. The archive might be the basis for a future master’s thesis parsing the line between activating your base and wearing it out.
Millard McCluney sent in an announcement that scholarship applications are due March 5, 2021 for college-bound residents of Charlotte’s subsidized housing communities. Since 1983, the project launched by John Crawford has provided $3.8 million in scholarships to nearly 940 youth who went on to 75 colleges, universities, and trade schools. Crawford’s Charlotte Housing Authority Scholarship Fund took the name Greater Steps Scholars last July. Brochure here.
Upcoming Events
Nov. 12: Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Infrastructure Series: Transformational Part 1, 11 a.m. via Zoom, $10.
Nov. 19: “Caregiving Through Holidays,” 12:30 p.m., a virtual MeckMIN Food for Thought session with Coury O’Donoghue, Alzheimer’s Association. Register here.
Dec. 3: Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Infrastructure Series: Transformational Part 2, 11 a.m. via Zoom, $10.
Dec. 17: “Gender Roles in Scripture,” 12:30 p.m., a virtual MeckMIN Food for Thought session with Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Rev. Glencie Rhedrick, and Rabbi Judy Schindler. Register here.
Jan. 21: Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance Awards virtual ceremony, 6-8 p.m. Nomination criteria here.
News & Handouts
Alma Adams 11-6
Congressional Black Caucus 11-9
MeckEd 11-9
N.C. Dept. of Health & Human Services 11-6
Read Charlotte 11-5
Urban League 11-5
Vote Yes for Bonds 11-3