Ryan Emmanuel announced that Police Chief Kerr Putney and City Attorney Bob Hagemann will discuss the proposed repeal of the Extraordinary Events Ordinance and amendments to the picketing and public assembly ordinances at a free community forum on Tuesday June 6 from 5-8 p.m. at Belmont Center, 700 Parkwood Ave. Details and register here.
Natheley McElrath announced that the Black Political Caucus will hold a “Conversations vs. Confrontations” forum on Saturday, June 17 from 12-2 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal School, 750 E. 9th St. Flier here.
Blanche Penn announced that the Silver Fox Cheerleaders will compete in Raleigh after winning a local championship.
Laura McClettie announced that she is available to speak to groups about the upcoming 2020 Census. Hiring begins in 2018 for marketing and promotions specialists.
Ceretha Sherrill left a flier for a community event day on Saturday, May 27 at Hoskins Park, 3801 Gossett Ave.
Victor Mack sent in an announcement of a Multicultural Play Therapy Center Conference for counselors and therapists on June 26-30 on the main UNCC campus. Details here.
Dena Diorio sent in her May 22 Board Bulletin.
Joyce Waddell sent in her May 17 and May 24 Waddell Weekly Bulletins.
Christine Edwards sent in an announcement that County Manager Dena Diorio will present her budget recommendations on Tuesday, May 30 at 11:30 a.m. at the Government Center meeting chamber. The presentation will be streamed online. Flier here.
Zondra Moss sent in an appeal for support in advance of the June 16-18 2nd Annual Stomping Out Stress “A Celebration of Stars,” honoring parents who care for a child or children with a disability. Needs listed here.
Stephanie Counts sent in the May 24 WIE Wednesday newsletter.
Greg Schermbeck sent in an announcement that MeckEd hopes out-of-school time providers will provide contact information for a new OST program locator by filling in form here. Deadline for inclusion May 30. Info: Rashaan Peek by e-mail.
Devonya Govan-Hunt sent in an announcement of her Superwoman Syndrome women’s empowerment seminar on Saturday, June 3. Tickets $16.82 and up and further info here. Flier here.
Paula Brown sent in an announcement that Phillip O. Berry Academy student Vietfu T. has an mobile app called “Alacrity” entered in the Lenova Fan Favorite contest. Vote here through July 10.
Ann Harlan sent in an announcement of a “Kid’s & Young Adult’s Town Hall” on Sunday, June 4 from 2-4 p.m. at Ben Salem Presbyterian Church, 6801 Monroe Rd. Flier here [On May 27 this event was postponed until fall 2017.].