The Forum did not meet Tuesday.
COVID 19: Recent updates received are from the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services and the Mecklenburg County Manager. A list of Atrium COVID-19 testing sites for this week is here.
Responses: Steve Johnston, who last week invited suggestions on making the Announcements more useful, reported to facilitators that the following three suggestions were offered: Have the Forum meet over Zoom; revive the Facebook page; publish op-ed type material on subjects of longstanding interest to the Forum.
Upcoming Events
May 20: Profound Gentlemen’s Community Circle, 4 p.m. Details and registration.
May 27: MeckMIN Community Leader Awards Breakfast, 7:30 a.m., likely via Facebook Live. Info here.
May 29: CANCELLED Urban League’s Whitney M. Young Gala fundraiser.
July 12-17: MeckMIN In Our Own Back Yard Interfaith Camp, several one-day offerings during the week for rising 10th-12th graders. Apply.
July 13-18: CANCELLED Winners Plus Agency party trip to Tunica casinos.
Aug. 13: Paint the Town Blue Gala fundraiser for Democratic candidates.
News & Handouts
Carla Cunningham 5-12
Nasif Majeed 5-7
Joyce Waddelll 5-11
Housing & Neighborhood Services 5-7
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin 5-8
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 5-8
Profound Gentlemen 5-8
Urban League 5-6