Wilhelmenia Rembert said she was available to give presentations to groups on the upcoming U.S. Census.
Jessica Davis announced an online survey to collect community views on how to proceed with future use of the Historic Excelsior Club property. Deadline June 23. The next City Council Economic Development Committee meeting on the Excelsior is Thursday, June 27 at 2 p.m. in CH-14 of the Government Center.
Charlene Henderson announced that Atrium Health University is feeding youth under 18 breakfast and lunch this summer free of charge.
Upcoming events
June 19: Public meeting on Eastland Redevelopment, Calvary Church of the Nazarene, 6 p.m., 4000 N. Sharon Amity Rd. Register.
June 19: HEALTH FAIR, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 901 N. Tryon St.
June 20: “Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point” lunch, Union Seminary, 5141 Sharon Rd. RSVP by e-mail.
June 20: Summer Access to Justice Workshops: Beyond the Bill of Rights and Restorative Justice, for school-age children. Register here.
June 24: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
June 24-Aug. 2: Four Court Camps for youth 14-18 at Mecklenburg Courthouse. Deadline extended to May 31.Details. Flier.
June 25: Vital signs checked for all men, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
June 25: Summer Access to Justice Workshops: Beyond the Bill of Rights and Restorative Justice, for school-age children. Register here.
June 25: Session on grantwriting and fundraising. Details: Constance Lav Johnson via e-mail.
June 25: Aviation Camps of the Carolinas event. Monroe Airport. Some seats free; details here.
June 27: Ralphine Caldwell on managing $50 million Housing Trust Fund. Register here.
June 27: Town Hall meeting, “Developing a Vision from a Minority Perspective,” with City Council member James Mitchell, free, 5:30 p.m. Government Center Meeting Chamber
June 27: Sip ‘n Play Game Night, 7-10 p.m., Queens Coffee Bar, 1720 Pegram St. Register here.
June 28: Building Bridges: A conversation about Faith, Cultural Diversity and Mental Health, free.
July 1: Greater Charlotte Summer Arts Camp, $75 per week. Details.
July 4: Hickory Grove Parade, Shamrock Drive from Lawrence Orr School to Aldersgate, 10 a.m. Charlotte History Museum open free that day.
July 15-20: Biloxi/New Orleans Casino trip.
July 26-28: Carolina Veterans Appreciation Expo, Fayetteville.
July 27: Conference on public school books, testing and curriculum. Registration form here. Tickets $35.
Aug. 10: Health Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., C.W. Williams Community Health Center. Vender application.
Aug. 15: Paint the Town Blue Gala, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Temple Israel, 4901 Providence Rd.
Aug. 31: Sickle Cell Run/Walk, 8 a.m., videos one two
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