June 15: MeckMIN Open Tables fellowship and dining to build “relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism,” 6:30-8 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 5815 Carmel Rd. Register here.
June 18: Family Field Day, 1-5 p.m., Derita Athletic Association, 4920 W. Sugar Creek Rd.
June 20: Campaign fundraiser for CMS board candidate Liz Monterrey, hosted by Jennifer De La Jara, 5:30-7 p.m., 2616 Millie Lane. Carol Sawyer endorsement here.
June 22: Rally at Mecklenburg County Courthouse to protest proposed electric power rate increases, 6 p.m.
June 24: Community Outreach Day at FWC Community Development Center, free, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 301 N. Polk St. Pineville.
June 29: Rep. Alma Adams and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) with update on 2023 farm bill and food programs like SNAP and TANF, 11 a.m., Johnson C. Smith University, 100 Beatties Ford Rd.
July 6: Follow-up conversation on ideas to place before Gov. Cooper’s upcoming listening session on what ought to be in an Environmental Justice Executive Order, 6-7:30 p.m. at QC Family Tree, 2916 Parkway Ave. Meeting organized by Catawba Riverkeeper Policy Manager Ryan Carter.
July 15: Indaba on safety on the Beatties Ford Road corridor.
July 15: A Vibe Outside, 3-8 p.m.,1600 W. Trade St.
Aug. 4: Urban League Whitney M. Young, Jr. Gala awards event. Details to come. (Rescheduled from May 19.)
Aug. 18-19: MeckMIN Interfaith Youth Summit for middle and high schoolers to “learn about each other’s traditions and serve our local community.” Register here.
Sept. 19-21: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark for Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains Show Trip, $395.
Nov. 27-Dec. 1: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark for The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum near Cincinnati.
Candidates, Elected Officials and Others
Dimple Ajmera 6-13
Sherrell Dorsey 6-11
Nasif Majeed 6-9
Joyce Waddell 6-12
Nonprofits and Governments
Center for Community Transitions 6-7
Council for Children’s Rights 6-13
NC Admistrative Office of the Courts 6-7
NC Community Action Association 6-7 6-10
Read Charlotte 6-13