The Forum did not meet. The following Announcements update are based on e-mails sent to the Forum.
Tiffany Johnson sent in an article about “the importance of non-family adults in mentoring youth.”
Tiffany Johnson sent in a survey for those interested in Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance about preferred time and day for trainings.
DonnaMarie Woodson shared a flier on efforts to blockade the Homeland Security Building, 6130 Tyvola Centre Dr. until ICE is abolished.
Alma Adams sent in an invitation to middle and high school students to compete in the Congressional App Challenge. Timeline and toolkit.
Upcoming events
July 6-7: Open Mic Nights at the Y.
July 10-13: Teen Health Connection’s Youth to Youth Conference at JCSU.
July 11: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County, 6:30 p.m.
July 16-20: Profound Gentlemen’s Male Leaership Retreat for 9th-10th grade boys of color. Also here and here.
July 17: PACE 5-year anniversary celebration. RSVP.
July 28: Back 2 School Children’s Fair.
Aug. 9: Paint the Town Blue Gala, 5:30 p.m.
Aug. 25: Back to School Tug of War Battle. Sponsor details.
Sept. 8: Sickle Cell Run/Walk.
Sept. 20: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Sept. 25: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Oct. 4: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Nov 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
News & Handouts
Joyce Waddell one two three
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Char-Meck Chronicle.
Mecklenburg County Board Bulletin.