Pat Campbell sent in links to forms in English and Spanish for comments about plans to reassign elementary students in north and northeast Charlotte when a new elementary opens in fall 2023. CMS background paper on plan affecting Hidden Valley, Grier and Newell is here. Notes on how proposal also affects Reedy Creek are here.
Dr. Victor Mack sent in an announcement that middle and high school students are invited to apply by Sept. 30 for the UNC Charlotte STEM Pre-College Program. Information here. Questions via e-mail or phone at 704-687-8726.
Upcoming Events
Aug. 1: Annual application period opens for free- and reduced-price lunches for some CMS families. Details here.
Aug. 2: Black Philanthropy Symposium, aimed at nonprofit leaders who are current or potential Foundation for Black Philanthropy grant recipients, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., free, JCSU Tech Innovation Center, 100 Beatties Ford Rd. Register here.
Aug. 3: Virtual training on infectious disease prevention and control, focused on COVID-19, free, virtual, 8:50-11a.m. Info and registration here.
Aug. 6: MeckMIN Back to School Party for middle and high schoolers, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. to distribute school supplies and play games with children and families of Refugee Support Services, 3925 Willard Farrow Dr. Register here. Donate from Amazon Wish List here.
Aug. 8-12: Back to School Physicals and immunizations at C.W. Williams Community Health Center. Appointments: 866-299-4968, ext. 1021 or 1022.
Aug. 10: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg special meeting for Nominating Committee election, virtual, 6:30 p.m. Register here.
Aug 11: Mecklenburg Democratic Women Paint the Town Blue fund-raising gala, 6:30 p.m., Heist Brewery, 1030 Woodward Ave.
Aug. 13: C.W. Williams Community Health Center’s Back to School Community Health Fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., drive-through access to vendors, free school supplies (while supplies last), free food, music, COVID-19 vaccines and testing, more, Stratford Richardson YMCA, 1946 West Blvd.
Aug. 16: MeckMIN Food For Thought lunch, noon, educator/consultant James Ford on: “A New Precedent of Faith in Unprecedented Times,” Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1000 E. Morehead St. Register here.
Aug. 22: Virtual training on infectious disease prevention and control, focused on COVID-19, free, virtual, 12:50-3 p.m. Info and registration here.
Sept. 12-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to Cincinnati for Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – and a casino.
Sept. 17: Charlotte Charter Chapter American Business Women’s Association’s Hattitude! Tickets: Pamela Bell, 704-763-8157.
Oct. 22: Council of Elders Expungement Clinic, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 1000 Anderson St. Pre-register at website here.
Jan. 21: Council of Elders Expungement Clinic, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 1000 Anderson St. Pre-register at website here.
Candidates & Elected Officials
Alma Adams 7-21
Natasha Marcus 7-22
Carol Sawyer 7-20
Joyce Waddell 7-26
Nonprofits & Government
Carolina Youth Coalition 7-22
Civility Localized 7-26
N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts 7-20
New Rural Project 7-20
UNCC Urban Institute 7-21