April 28’s Forum is the last for awhile at the West Charlotte Recreation Center. The May 5 Forum will begin a residency at Ivory Baker Recreation Center. More info here.
Elyse Dashew sent in an announcement of “Dream Again Deferred,” a free discussion and commemoration of the Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education decision. The event will be held Tuesday, May 5 from 5-7:30 p.m. at the UNCC Center City Building, 320 E. 9th St. Register here. Flyer here.
Greg Schermbeck sent in thanks to “everyone who attended the Spiral Bound event! Over 130+ community members and students attended the screening. At the screening, we disseminated the attached out-of-school time (OST) infographic as well as reminders about our OST Program Locator and OST Professional Development series.” Questions: Schermbeck by e-mail.
Sandra Clory sent in an announcement that her Group Motion Improv Tai-chi & dance workshops for seniors continue at Providence United Methodist Church through May 18. Reservations: Nina Arten at Shepherd’s Center, 704-365-1995; registration form here; background here.
Kathryn Block sent in CMS budget backgrounders: “Why CMS and its budget matter to every Mecklenburg County citizen,” “Budget Highlights,” and “A guide to understanding the CMS budget.”
Dena Diorio sent in a copy of her April 20 Board Bulletin.
Rodney Moore sent in a copy of his April 20 Raleigh Report.
Joel Ford sent in a commentary on the U.S. Supreme Court decision on N.C. redistricting.
Garcia Nelson sent in an announcement of a free “Unity in the Community” event “building bridges between law enforcement and neighborhoods” on Saturday, May 2 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at United House of Prayer for All People, 2321 Beatties Ford Rd. Flier here. Press release here.
Ericka Ellis-Stewart sent in an announcement of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day on Thursday, May 7, including a celebration at the Government Center flagpoles at noon. Facebook page here.
Sheila Peltzer sent in a speech she plans to give in front of the Mecklenburg legislative delegation on Friday, April 24 in support of HB 764 (Shared Parenting). “PLEASE attend the session to support me OR call your local rep NOW to ask him/her to support the bill. If not, it will die again & we’ll work another 2 years trying to make it happen. This is a bipartisan issue to help our kids.”
Robert Dawkins sent in a schedule for Safe Coalition NC’s Lobby Day at the General Assembly on Tuesday, April 28.
Azizi Coleman handed out a brochure, a flier and a schedule of forums as part of Tuesday’s Forum presentation on the work of Piedmont Health Services and Sickle Cell Agency.
Joyce Waddell sent in her April Waddell Bulletin.
Colette Forrest sent in a press release about U.S. Rep. Alma Adams meeting with HBCU executives in advance of creating a Bipartisan Congressional HBCU Caucus.
Charles Thomas sent in an announcement of four community meetings on “Innovation Challenge: Plenty, Solutions for Hunger.”
Ericka Ellis-Stewart sent in an announcement of upcoming CMS meetings: Monday, April 27, 6 p.m. Community Budget Meeting, Vance High, 7600 IBM Drive; Monday, May 4, 6 p.m. Community Budget Meeting, Robinson Middle, 5925 Ballantyne Commons Parkway; Thursday, May 7, 9 a.m. Board Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Government Center 5th floor.