June 4, 2024
Tuesday’s presenters explored how changes at the United Way have redirected community funding toward the entrepreneurs who are creating new ways to assist some of the community’s underserved populations.
And to keep the momentum going, the director of neighorhood services for United Way asks for volunteers to help assess the grant applications, and the grant applicants.
In her presentation, the United Way’s Jamese Ivy explained the role that volunteers play in recommending applicants for grants under the agency’s programs. While some such volunteers are from corporate funders, Ivy said the staff was focused on haviing volunteers from communities and neighborhoods sit on these committees,
Details of how and when volunteers serve, and how to express interest in doing so, are on the presentation slides below.
Ivy introduced three nonprofit founders who successfully applied for United Way support, and are operating programs.
Ivy’s short pitch for volunteers was followed by comments and then lots of questions for three women whose agencies have received United Way funding. They are:
- Traletta Banks, founder and chief visionary officer of Erika’s Closet;
- Dr. Alexandra Arrington, co-founder and executive director of Money Magnets Club;
- Jessica Lefkowitz, founder and executive director of Hearts for the Invisible Charlotte Coalition.
Below this morning’s video are slides from Ivy’s PowerPoint presentation. They may be downloaded here as a PDF.