Sept. 5, 2023
Big rigs parking on neighborhood streets. Sidewalks. Affordable housing. Living wage. The Eastland redevelopment. The city’s motel buyout near Hidden Valley. And more.
Voters in City Council districts 4 and 5 each have three candidates to consider before the Sept. 12 primary.
In District 4, incumbent Reneé Perkins Johnson faces challengers Wil Russell and Olivia Scott. In District 5, incumbent Marjorie Molina faces challengers Curtis Hayes Jr. and Vinroy Reid.
The “issues” discussed this morning may not be as important to district voters as having an opportunity at their leisure to see how the candidates present themselves, who they seem to be, how they respond when asked difficult questions. It is voters’ challenge to choose the person who will best represent them at City Hall while acting in the best interests of the entire community.
Olivia Scott, running in District 4, did not participate. Facilitator Laura McClettie reported that District 5 incumbent Marjorie Molina would not be present as she was ferrying a child to school.