Sept. 9, 2022
A lawmaker who represents most Mecklenburg voters in Washington was back in front of the Forum this morning to report on the work of Congress. In that report was a plea for nationwide solutions to Americans’ needs, a direct challenge to the let-the-states-go-their-own-ways attitude supported by many legislators at both federal and state levels.
U.S. Rep. Alma Adams, a Democrat representing North Carolina’s 12th District in Congress, recently left quarantine after recovering from her first bout of COVID. She said she likely picked up the virus during recent international travel. She stood throughout her lengthy presentation and an even longer question-and-answer session.
A staff press release highlighted her comments on partisanship, Congress’ accomplishments, housing, higher education and the Supreme Court’s abortion decision. Viewers will also hear a plea that voters support good people who also represent their visions for public policy.