June 14, 2022
Ken Joyner and his assistant, Brad Fowler, were ready.
Ready to explain property revaluation, why it’s done, what the schedule is, and when any changes will show up on tax bills.
But they were also ready for the questions this audience had uppermost in mind:
- Why should I pay more tax on the land under my old house if I don’t want to sell and it’s going to be a burden on my limited income and the land is increasing in value only because wealthier people are moving in?
- How do you keep racial bias out of assessments?
A very limited exemption for older or disabled homeowners is available, but the N.C. General Assembly has done little to help rectify the pain falling on older N.C. residents that is caused by urban gentrification.
A report from the Observer’s Gordon Rago is here.
Below the video are the slides shown during Assessor Joyner’s presentation. The slides may be downloaded in a single PDF file here. Joyner’s office will continue its community engagement through December, meeting with groups to explain the process – and answer the tough questions.