Feb. 22, 2022
Three City of Charlotte staff members presented about programs run by the City of Charlotte aimed at increasing participation of minority-owned business in competing for city contracts for business services.
Presenting were Holly Eskridge, Charlotte’s assistant economic development director; Alexis Gordon, the city’s international business manager and chief of protocol; and Steven Coker, Charlotte Business Inclusion Program Manager.
Below the video are numerous links to additional information.
From the chat box
Excerpts from today’s chat box. Some of the questions raised were addressed by other chat entries, or in the video.
Contact information for presenters:
Steven Coker [email protected]
Alexis Gordon Alexis [email protected]
Holly Eskridge [email protected]
Alexis Gordon:
AMP Up Charlotte https://programs.interise.org/amp-up-charlotte/
Charlotte Open for Business website https://charlotteopenforbusiness.com/
Dee Williams:
$175 million – is this MBE, WBE, or SBE? Can you quote percentages of participation by ethnic minority business groups like African-Americans, Hispanics, Aleuts, Asians, etc. Particularly with African/Americans, does their percentage of participation equal the percentage as an existing portion or propotionality as they are represented in the community? Is this a “race-conscious” contracting/procurement program? Is this data disaggregated by ethnic group on a regular basis?
Alexis Gordon:
Amp Up Charlotte open house will be Feb. 24https://live.remo.co/e/amp-up-open-house-2 at 10 a.m. and March 15https://live.remo.co/e/amp-up-open-house-3 at 5 p.m. Both are virtual
Jackie Edwards Walton:
What is the amount of the small loans?
Alexis Gordon:
The amount ranges from $5,000 – $130,000, depending on the grant program and the property size.
Laura McClettie:
Can you give us a breakdown of those that are participating in your CBI program by race
Alexis Gordon:
Business Matching Grants https://charlottenc.gov/ED/Development/Pages/Corridor.aspx
Steven Coker:
EarlyBird lists all active and in-development contracting opportunities across all city departments. https://earlybird.charlottebusinessresources.com
Alexis Gordon:
Here is the CBI Vendor list: https://charlottenc.gov/GS/procurement/cbi/Pages/vendors.aspx
Becky Carney:
NC Business Recovery Grant Program 1-877-252-4487
Alexis Gordon:
A primary portal for city information for business owners. https://charlottebusinessresources.com/
Candidates and Elected Officials
Matt Newton:
Good Morning Everyone! This is City Councilmember Matt Newton and I’m running for District Court Judge (Seat 16) this year. Please visit www.mattnewtonforjudge.com for more information. As always, THANK YOU for your continued support!
Belal Elrahal:
Thank you as always for an excellent and very informative forum! I am running for District Court Judge for the seat that will be vacated by Judge Tracy Hewett (Seat 19). I am an experienced trial attorney, dedicated public servant, and Charlotte native. You can learn more about me and my campaign at: https://www.elrahalforjudge.com
Chris Bazzle:
Hello everyone, thank you all for allowing me to be here today. I am Magistrate Chris Bazzle and I am running for Mecklenburg County District Court, Seat 1 (the now-vacant Best Seat). I am working to earn your support and your vote! Please learn more and please show your support at https://www.BazzleForJudge.com and https://www.facebook.com/BazzleforJudge. Thank you all!
Stephanie Hand:
Stephanie Hand – Candidate District-6 Charlotte City Council https://www.stephaniehand.com Email:[email protected]. 980-288-4163 I would love to earn your support – Let’s Talk
Robert Hillman:
My name is Rob Hillman, I am your candidate for Charlotte City Council District 6. As a finance executive, investment advisor, engineer and public servant for nearly 30 years I have successfully used my expertise to help the community and would like to continue to do so by serving on Charlotte City Council. I believe that we are stronger together than apart and humbly ask for your support for my candidacy for Charlotte City Councilman for District 6. https://twitter.com/voteforhillman https://facebook.com/voteforhillman https://instagram.com/voteforhillman Website https://voteforhillman.com Volunteers, I can be reached at 704.266.3218
Tim Emry:
To learn more about me and the campaign to transform justice in Mecklenburg County, visit https://TimForDA.com I’d love to have you join the team.