July 27, 2021
If those dealing with other health issues had advocates as passionate as the three people who addressed the Forum about HIV/AIDS treatment this morning, the human race would be a more confident bunch.
Janice Shirley of Charlotte, with roots at Myers Park High, is focused on linking people living with AIDS to the people, organizations and programs that can support them. She brought to the Forum two additional speakers:
David Wyley Long is on staff of the Los Angeles-based Black AIDS Institute. Jeffrey Edwards-Knight supervises the HIV/STD outreach program at the Mecklenburg County Public Health Department.
The speakers shared data on infection rates, national barriers to treatment, the costs of care and how care has changed over time. Based on questions raised by Forum participants, the speakers addressed treatment issues in and after incarceration.
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The Black AIDS Institute coordinates the work of its area chapters under the name BTAN or Black Treatment Advocates Network. The BTAN Charlotte chapter can be reached by e-mail.
Janice Shirley works in shelter assistance at Roof Above, operates two transitional houses through the Hope in The End nonprofit, and is liaison for the Black Treatment Advocacy Network Charlotte chapter. She can be reached by email or at 704-512-1314.
Jeffrey Edwards-Knight is supervisor of the HIV/STD Community Testing and Outreach program at Mecklenburg County Public Health. He can be reached by e-mail.
David Wyley Long is senior national organizer for Los Angeles-based Black AIDS Institute. He can be reached by e-mail.
Below the video, as they are received from presenters, are links to support materials and other information on the issues discussed.
Additional resources:
“Getting to Zero Mecklenburg: A community plan to reduce new cases of HIV in Mecklenburg” (June 2018; revised October 2019)
Words Matter: A series of words that can be hurtful to people living with various health conditions, and alternative phrases that put “people before the condition.” Published by Positive Women’s Network.