March 5, 2019
They are building on the shoulders of two African-American women who were devoted to Charlotte. The work that Elizabeth Randolph began in education and Lethia Henderson began in health care continues through small grants that the African American Community Foundation can make annually.
Board Chair Keysha Walker Taylor described an ambitious effort to build the Foundation Board, build the corpus of its endowment, build awareness of the Foundation’s support of groups working in the African-American community – and all the while making grants and educating prospective grant recipients on how to improve their craft. Quiana Austin chimed in with details of how the small Foundation is supported by the Foundation For the Carolinas, which invests the Foundation’s funds and provides space for the board’s meetings.
The foundation’s website is here. A PDF download listing 2018 grants is available from this page. The application deadline for grant applicants is March 6, but Taylor encouraged groups to reach out after the deadline to make themselves known to the Foundation. The 2018 grants, according to the Foudnation’s website, were:
- “$2,500 to BlackTech CLT to provide a six-week mentorship program pairing BlackTech CLT members with corporate executives and business leaders to help them grow their businesses and develop professional skills to achieve their career goals.
- $2,500 to Smart Girls for rich and engaging STEM experiences for elementary-aged girls in Charlotte, free of charge.
- $2,500 to Teen Health Connection to assist with planning and preparation for the 2019 Youth to Youth Leadership Conference, and to support alcohol and substance abuse prevention initiatives.
- $2,500 to Urban League to support the Urban League of Central Carolinas’ Career Fair at Stratford Richardson YMCA. The career fair will include more than 45 employers with full-time, part-time and apprenticeship opportunities. ULCC will also purchase two student kits for its HVAC curriculum, focused on providing knowledge and hands-on skills for certification and immediate entry-level employment.”
In the video below, the presentation begin at minute 4:36. The Q&A begins at minute 14:55.