– Page initiated Jan. 23, 2018
Forum Co-founder Sarah Stevenson announced Jan. 30 that the Forum would not hold candidate forums until after the May 8 primary. A video of her announcement is here.
But even if there are no formal sessions devoted to the primary, candidates regularly attend, and they or their surrogates often speak up. There are even candidates in the room during the primary that have no opposition until the general election.
Videos that are available from those comments will be posted as they become available on separate pages devoted to each candidate. This page will serve as an index, with links to the separate pages.
Most of the candidates listed below have primary opposition; some do not. Individual pages linked below will attempt to note when the candidate will not be on the May ballot. After the primary, these pages will be culled, with those in the November election indexed on a new page covering the November election. The Forum does not endorse candidates.
Note that these listings begin when a candidate or a candidate’s surrogate speaks up during the Forum. The listing is not the complete list of candidates on the May primary ballot.
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N.C. Senate District 38
Democrat: Joel Ford
N.C. Senate District 40
Republican: Bobbie Shields
N.C. House District 88
Republican: Ty Turner
N.C. House District 99
Democrats: Priscilla Johnson Nasif Majeed Rodney Moore
N.C. House District 106
Democrat: Blanche Penn
Clerk of Superior Court
Democrat: Elisa Chinn Gary
District Attorney
Democrat: Spencer Merriweather
County Commissioners At-Large
Democrat: Ella Scarborough
County Commissioners District 3
Democrat: Angela Ambroise
County Commissioners District 4
Democrat: Leigh Altman Queen Thompson