March 29, 2016
Participants in the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Forum pulled off a total surprise for the guy usually behind the camera as they celebrated Steve Johnston’s 69th birthday.
Referred to occasionally during the celebration as a person of few words, the record should show that the scribe did say something, shortly after the picture above was taken, and it is not in the video below. Internet connection problems Tuesday wiped the comment from the video record; and a version of the live video feed that was recorded to the scribe’s laptop has no sound. This is at best a paraphrase in response to the sung, “How old are you?”
I am 69 years old. I am forever grateful to this group for allowing me to serve, even making the coffee all through the time when I was a cancer patient [10 years ago]. I remain involved because, not to take away anything from what Sarah Stevenson has done, but because of what she has built here – that is, a place where people come to know each other well enough across all the lines that divide us that, when discussion of public policy begins, no one is throwing shoes.