Oct. 6, 2015
Three Democrats and one Republican were in the room as the Forum heard from candidates seeking at-large Charlotte City Council seats in the Nov. 3 election. There were short opening statements, then lots of questions. John Powell joined the speakers after the presentations were completed.
Question topics ranged from jobs to anti-discrimination ordinances to “What makes you different?”
Video from the presentations and the Q&A is below.
Q: We give big companies incentives, then they take their jobs to South Carolina. What different can we do?
Q: What would you do to address concentrations of poverty in the city?
Q: We’ve had a lot of racial incidents in the city. What is your vision for change?
Q: MOst poverty areas are home to African-Americans. How do we end this poverty that limities opportunities for so many children?
Q: There is talk that Council will cut money for school resource officers. Is that true?
Q: What can the city do to prevent gentrification from forcing working people out of their neighborhoods?
Q: What would you like to say to a younger generation about City Council – preferably in 140 or fewer characters.
Q: COnsumers, not companies, create jobs. But people making low wages can’t do so. Jennifer Roberts wants a $15 minimum wage. What do you think?
Q: How are you different? WHat will you do that will be different from the other candidates?
Q: Why are we giving corporate America so many benefits?
Q: Afterschool is for working parents, not struggling students. What will you do to understand the African-American community, single mothers, working mothers, who you don’t regularly have contact with?
Q: I respect the badge, but I don’t support police killing unarmed men. We have bad people hiding behind the badge.
Q: What part of the LGBT ordinance would cause you to vote no if it comes up next spring and you are on council then?
Q: Why do you talk about job creation but not support of small business owners, who create most of the jobs?