The Forum will not meet on Sept. 12, Primary Election Day.
Services for longtime WBTV journalist Steve Crump, who died Aug. 31, will be Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 6 p.m. at University Park Baptist Church, 6029 Beatties Ford Rd., and 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, 1400 Suther Rd.
Elloree Erwin announced that Sarah Stevenson would attend the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s Sept. 17 Harvest Home Celebration, which begins with a morning service at 10 and continues through 3-4 p.m. Erwin asked Sarah’s friends who plan to attend for lunch to give her a head count by Thursday, Sept. 14 at Prince of Peace is at 3001 Beatties Ford Rd.
Wilhelmenia Rembert sent in an announcement that USDA Healthy Food Financing grants are available to public-private partnerships “working to improve access to fresh, healthy food in underserved communities through providing technical and financial assistance to food retailers and food enterprises.” Details here and here. Sept. 7 webinar on program, 3 p.m., register here.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 8: Low Country Gala Sneaker Ball, 7 p.m., Oasis Shriner’s, 604 Doug Mayes Pl., supporting students attending HBCUs. Tickets $75-$90 here. More info here.
Sept. 15-16: “Leading Change and Embracing Innovation: Focusing on Accountability, Evidence of New Mindsets, Positive Results and Improved Student Achievement,” Park Expo, 800 Briar Creek Rd.
Sept. 16: Lake Norman Empowerment Festival, free, 5 p.m., Smithville Park, 19710 S. Ferry St. Cornelius.
Sept. 16: Block Party, 2-6 p.m., 1100 Beatties Ford Rd.
Sept. 19-21: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark for Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains Show Trip, $395.
Sept. 23: American Business Women’s Association Social Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Eastway Recreation Center, 3150 Eastway Dr. Ticket info on flier.
Sept. 23: Retirement event for Ron Leeper. See Carlenia Ivory for more information.
Sept. 30: “Delta Days in the City,” social action conference “focused on issues facing the Mecklenburg County community,” 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd.
Oct. 15: Black Political Caucus HBCU Homecoming Jazz Brunch, 1 p.m. Hilton University Place.
Oct. 20: Profound Gentlemen Soirée, 6 p.m., Gantt Center, 551 S. Tryon St. Tickets $50 here.
Nov. 27-Dec. 1: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn and Petronila Clark for The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum near Cincinnati.
Candidates & Elected Officials
Alma Adams 8-30
Reneé Perkins Johnson 8-31
Joyce Waddell 9-4
Governments & Nonprofits
CharMeck Chronicle 9-1
Council for Children’s Rights 9-5
League of Women Voters 9-5 9-5
MeckEd 9-5
NC Administrative Office of the Courts 8-31
Pride Magazine 8-31
Profound Gentlemen 9-1
RICS Market 9-1