Materials passed out at the Forum Tuesday included a palm card on the pro-sales tax campaign, and a CMS issues document on the same subject.
Robert Hillman announced the Wadsworth Foundation’s 3rd annual free Book Fair on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Little Rock Cultural Center at 7th & McDowell St. Details here or at the Foundation’s website.
Pat Cotham announced that the Uptown Democratic Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 8 at noon would host Josh Stein, a prospective N.C. Attorney General candidate who represents an N.C. Senate district in Wake County, along with candidates for Appeals Court and Supreme Court seats on the November ballot.
Marc Friedland announced that the Mecklenburg Democratic Party needs poll watchers and poll workers for the Nov. 4 election. Volunteer by phone at 704-525-5843 or by e-mail.
Levester Flowers announced that Together4Meck, the group advocating a yes vote on Nov. 4 to authorize a quarter-cent sales tax increase to benefit education, libraries and arts, needs volunteers. Call Flowers at 704-968-3391.
Robin Bradford announced that she and LaTrice McRae will hold an information and volunteer meeting for their respective N.C. House and N.C. Senate campaigns on Friday, Sept. 26 in the NorthLake Mall food court at 11 a.m.
Dianna Davis announced that Carolina Kid News TV Show and Generation Nation, the former Kids Voting, will host a forum on Tuesday Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Government Center Room 267 for County Commissioner candidates. Info: Davis at 704-777-9928 or by e-mail or Amy Farrell at 704-343-6999 or by e-mail.
Dianna Davis announced that volunteers are needed for the 2015 Charlotte African American Festival. Contact Davis at 704-777-9928 or by e-mail.
Dianna Davis announced an organizational meeting for a new political action committee for young adults age 18-40, to be held Friday Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. at 2520 Sardis Rd. N. More information: Davis at 704-777-9928.
Carrie Cook announced that the city bond referendum on the Nov. 4 ballot will not require a tax increase.
Ella Scarborough announced that the Black Women’s Caucus will hold its 5th annual kitchen conversation for candidates on Monday, Oct. 13 from 5-7:30 p.m. at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 2020 W. Sugar Creek Rd.
Carlenia Ivory announced a dinner on Friday, Oct. 31 with a politician, artists, educators and authors to mark Sarah Stevenson’s 89th birthday. Participation is free but will require a $35 Gantt Center membership. Ivory said more details would be announced later.
Travis Manigan announced that Sen. Kay Hagan’s office is available to serve constituent needs. He can be reached at Hagan’s office in Dilworth at 1520 South Blvd. Suite 205, by phone at 704-334-2448 or by e-mail.
Ty Turner announced that former Black Political Caucus members can renew their memberships through Oct. 11 to be eligible to vote for candidate endorsements on Oct. 12.
Robert Dawkins sent in an announcement of a Democracy NC Coalition Get Out the Vote Meeting for Thursday, Sept. 25 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Hickory Grove branch library, 5935 Hickory Grove Rd.
Claire Green Fallon sent in an announcement that she will hold a town hall meeting on Sunday, Sept. 28 at 2 p.m. at the University City regional library, 301 E. W.T. Harris Blvd. Guests include Mayor Dan Clodfelter, City Manager Ron Carlee, Police Chief Rodney Monroe and Fire Chief John Hannan.
Bill Anderson sent in a newsletter about the formation of Together4Meck, the group advocating a yes vote on Nov. 4 to authorize a quarter-cent sales tax increase to benefit education, libraries and arts.
Jaye Maxx Alexander sent in a copy of Richard Burr’s Sept. 19 newsletter.
Ledger Morrissette sent in a copy of the September edition of the Link, the newsletter of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement of the coming together of former members of South Tryon Presbyterian Church under the name South End Presbyterian Church, ending a 20-year separation into Bread of Life Christian Ministry and Clanton Memorial Church that split families and friends. Details on a one-year anniversary of the reuniting on Saturday, Sept. 27 from noon to 3 p.m. are here.
Patrick Graham sent in a letter denying that the nonpartisan Urban League was taking partisan positions with the Republican Party, as suggested by a statement by a national Republican official quoted in the Charlotte Observer on Saturday, Sept. 20.
Jeremiah Chapman sent in an invitation to an Alma Adams for Congress get-out-the-vote meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 24 from 7-8 p.m. at 5004 Community Circle.
Jaye Maxx Alexander sent in a copy of Gov. Pat McCrory’s Sept. 22 newsletter.
Colette Forrest sent in an invitation to a early voting kick-off rally on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 6-7 p.m. at the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Rd.
Dena Diorio sent in a copy of her Sept. 22 Board Bulletin.
Charles Thomas sent in an invitation to FoodThink, a 48-hour “unconference” beginning Friday, Sept. 26 at 5 p.m. at Packard Place, 222 S. Church St., “to source ideas for solutions to healthy food issues in our region.” Details here.
Renee Jarrett sent in a save-the-date for a candidate forum on Thursday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m. at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Conference Center, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd., and on the occasion of National Voter Registration Day, a set of suggestions on how to increase voter turnout.