Next week: candidates for Mecklenburg Clerk of Superior Court; sheriff; and U.S. House District 12.
Tommie Robinson announced that he appreciated people buying his paintings at 720 Tuckaseegee Rd. so he won’t have to apply for Arts & Science Council grants.
Phyllis Perry announced that Precinct 210 would hold a get-out-the-vote meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Rameses Temple, 4919 Beatties Ford Rd.
Carlenia Ivory announced a “Party With a Purpose: No Tricks Just Treats” event to celebrate the 1974 Gantt Challenge and Sarah Stevenson’s 89th birthday, on Oct. 31 from 6:30-9 p.m. at 4329 Hyde Park Drive. Details here.
Joyce Waddell announced “Get In the Game,” the 39th Anniversary Luncheon sponsored by the Greater Enrichment Program, Wednesday, Oct. 22 at noon at the Charlotte Plaza Uptown Hotel, 201 S. McDowell St. For $75 tickets, see Waddell or Sarah Stevenson. Palm card here.
Joyce Waddell announced the Southern Piedmont Central Labor Council’s 2nd Annual Victory Dinner benefitting the N.C. AFL-CIO’s Victory Fund, from 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 18 at the Dilworth Neighborhood Grille, 911 E. Morehead St. Tickets are $45, $250 for table of 6. RSVP to Ashley Howard or 704-773-9558. Flier here.
Raphael Basisa announced that this week marks both his birthday and, in 1984, his arrival in the United States. “For 30 years I can testify that America is still the land of ultimate opportunity.”
Queen Thompson announced that the NAACP will hold its Freedom Fund Awards Banquet on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 6:30-10:30 p.m. at the Hilton Charlotte University Place, 8619 JM Keynes Drive. Speaker is N.C. NAACP President the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II. Sales of $75 tickets closed Tuesday night online.
Ty Turner announced a fall concert by the Men’s Chorus of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m.
Levester Flowers announced that the Mecklenburg Democratic Party is seeking volunteers for the party’s get-out-the-vote effort. Call Flowers at 704-968-3391. Or text Flowers at countmein7049683391.
Ceretha Sherrill asked for prayers for Vilma Leake. “She’s on the mend. She’s now walking with a cane. Today she is sponsoring a get-out-the vote at the rehab center. Can you imagine that? Remember her next week, starting with early voting.”
Robin Bradford announced that her House District 92 campaign will host a fundraiser on Sunday, Oct. 19 from 3-5 p.m. at 20207 Bascom Ridge Rd. in Cornelius. Suggested minimum donation $50. RSVP to Yasmin Mayo.
Gyasi Foluke that he would hold a conference in Greensboro on the “systemic genocide” that illuminates the killings of young black men, “especially with the police. There’s a pattern here.”
Laura McClettie announced that C.W. Williams Community Health Center will start enrolling people under the Affordable Care Act beginning Nov. 15. Appointments are available. Penalties in 2015 for those above the poverty level who have not acquired health insurance will be $325 per adult and $167.50 per child in the household.
J.R. Black thanked those who participated in last weekend’s Genesis Project 1 events marking National Depression Awareness Month. “Each of the three days was different, unique and positive.”
Carrie Cook announced that EmpowHerment’s mentee application deadline for EmpowHerment’s 12-month leadership development curriculum, which is open to girls in grades 6 through 12, is Friday, Oct. 17. Info here.
Jeremiah Chapman announced that the Alma Adams for Congress campaign is looking for poll workers. To volunteer e-mail Chapman.
Gloria Rembert sent in a list of endorsements by the Black Political Caucus in the Nov. 4 election.
Rachel Scott sent in an announcement that the Global Studies Program at West Charlotte High School is part of the “Celebrate My Drive” campaign sponsored by State Farm, which promises $100,000 in grant money to the school clicking most on, for example, the West Charlotte High link at the competition’s web page.
Jaye Maxx Alexander sent in a copy of Gov. Pat McCrory’s Oct. 13 newsletter.
Robert Dawkins sent in an announcement that volunteers are needed for phone banking to remind voters of early voting. Shifts are 5:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 22; Thursday, Oct. 23; Sunday, Oct. 26 and Monday, Oct. 27. All shifts will be at the League of Women Voters office at 1817 Central Ave. Room 210. E-mail Dawkins if available.
Malachi Greene sent in a link to a New York Times blog item about Steve McCurry’s photographs of women abused during domestic service in Asia and the Middle East.
Pamela Lewis sent in an announcement that the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will host a candidate reception on Sunday, Oct. 26 from 2-5 p.m. at the Delta Center, 5408 Beatties Ford Rd. Details here.
Dena Diorio sent in a copy of her Oct. 13 Board Bulletin.
Colette Forrest sent in an invitation to an early voting kick-off rally on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 6-7 p.m. at the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Rd.
Robert Dawkins sent in a link to his audio interview with Greenpeace activist Hannah Mitchell.
Sharon Holm sent in an announcement that the Gantt Center on Wednesday, Oct. 15 will open the exhibit, “A Love Supreme: Robert Mars featuring Jay West… a series of portraits of African-American icons that include Martin Luther King, Jr., Muhammad Ali, Lena Horne – Mars and West collaborated on this piece – John Coltrane and Michael Jackson.” The exhibit runs through Dec. 15.
Colette Forrest sent in an invitation to a free Woman’s Round Table Discussion featuring Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., at Little Rock AME Zion Church at 7th and McDowell Streets on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Details here.