The Forum did not meet today, Election Day. These announcements were e-mailed in.
Arthur Griffin sent updates here and here on the Vote Yes for School Bonds campaign.
Jane Whitley sent in an announcement that Mecklenburg Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County will meet to elect 2018 officers on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. at 1817 Central Ave. Details here.
Chris Jackson sent in an announcement that Goodwill Industries will hold a job fair for full-time and part-time positions in healthcare, hospitality, customer service, retail, warehouse and more, on Wednesday, Nov. 8 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 5301 Wilkinson Blvd. Details here.
Debbie Snowdon sent in an announcement that James Ford will review actions on the Opportunity Task Force recommendations at a League of Women Voters meeting Wednesday, Nov. 8 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at 1817 Central Ave. Room 110. Details here.
Christy Kluesner sent in an announcement of a Wednesday, Nov. 8 call-in to Congress on climate action. Details here.
Carla Cunningham sent in an announcement of an N.C. Legislative Black Caucus town hall on economic develoment on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, 700 W. Sugar Creek Rd. Flier here.
Patricia Albritton sent in an announcement of addresses by Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Dr. Calvin O. Butts III of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church on “The State of America” on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 7-9 p.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd.
Alma Adams sent in her Nov. 6 newsletter.
Colette Forrest sent in an admonition to vote.
Dena Diorio sent in her Nov. 6 Board Bulletin.
Christine Edwards sent in an announcement that the County Tax assessor is scheduling speaking engagements with community groups about the 2019 property tax revaluation. To arrange a talk, use form here.
DonnaMarie Woodson sent in the November CharMeck Chronicle.
Sylvia Grier sent in details of how families may register for Toys for Tots. Registration available Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. through Thursday, Nov. 16 at 5104 Reagan Dr. Suite 5.
Angela Caffee sent in an announcement of a Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance workshop about grantwriting, to be held Monday, Nov. 13 from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at Belmont Center, 700 Parkwood Ave. Register here. Details here.
Campaign materials received since last Announcements:
City Council At-large: Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera Ajmera
City Council District 2: Harlow