Natheley McElrath announced the Forum’s annual Christmas Party would be Dec. 19 at 8:30 a.m. at the Belmont Center, 700 Parkwood Ave. “We don’t discuss anything of any importance at all. We are here to celebrate.” Bring on the 19th or any Tuesday before then any unwrapped, like-new items from the attic you’d like to offer for the “Take a Gift” game. Catered breakfast at a fee. Video from 2016 party is here.
Natheley McElrath announced that the Forum would arrange to deliver your gifts of toys to the Toys for Tots campaign. See McElrath for details.
Carlenia Ivory announced that she would be gathering a love offering for Sarah Stevenson at the Christmas Party.
Nakisa Glover announced a free screening of “The North Pole” on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 6 p.m. at Northwest School of the Arts Black Box Theater, 1415 Beatties Ford Rd. Flier here. Info on Facebook. Register here.
Dena Diorio sent in her Nov. 20 Board Bulletin.
Chris Jackson sent in hours for the Goodwill “Poptopia Holidays” pop-up holiday market at the Foundation for the Carolinas, 220 N. Tryon St. Details here.
Devonya Govan-Hunt sent in a flier for a town hall meeting about equity and education in CMS, to be held Thursday, Nov. 30 from 6-8 p.m. at Uplift Christian Ministries, 5600 Rocky River Rd.
Alma Adams sent in a flier about open enrollment assistance sessions under the Affordable Care Act through Dec. 13.
Joyce Waddell sent in an press release on the “growing opioid problem.”
Stephanie Counts sent in the Nov. 15 WIE Wednesday newsletter.
Rachelle Latimer sent in details of a meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 12 from 4-7 p.m. at CLT Piper Center, 5601 Wilkinson Blvd., for subcontractors interested in work on the airport terminal lobby expansion project.